Twenty-Six | More Partying

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So I'm updating again since I havent for a few weeks. Enjoy!

By two in the afternoon, when Dana came home, my headache was completely gone and I was completely sober. She had a bag in one hand, her purse in the other.

"Hey baby." She smiled once she saw me.

I moved from my position on the couch and helped her with the bag. "What's this?" I asked curiously.

"Nonna cooked last night and she wanted me to bring you something."

"Aw," I smiled. "She's so sweet."

"Yeah." Dana laughed. I went to the kitchen to put the food in the fridge when Dana said, "So what did you do all day yesterday?"

The eventful night that took place some hours ago came to my mind and I tried to push it away as I shrugged my shoulders. "I just chilled. Y'know, tv, game, sleep. Stuff like that." I hated the fact that I was lying to Dana but I couldn't tell her the truth without her being mad at me for the rest of the day. I didn't want that.

She walked up to me and placed her hands on either side of my face, pouting. "I'm sorry babe."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and smiled down at her. "It's okay. You're busy and I understand."

Her lips met mine and I wasted no time in deepening the kiss, missing the feeling her lips brought to me. She pulled away and grinned. "I'm so glad that you understand. By the middle of Septemeber, I'm all yours. We can do whatever you want."

"Whatever I want?" I smirked suggestively. "Hm, I like that."

Dana lightly smacked my cheek and backed out of my hold on her as she laughed. "Not like that, perv."

I joined in on her laughter and watched her walk upstairs. Just as I'm about to open the fridge again and get the orange juice the doorbell rings. I jogged over to the door and opened it, seeing Za on the other side. My heart beat sped up when he bursted out, "Yo, last night was fucking crazy bro. You were really fucked up. I mean, not worse than me but--"

"Za, not right now." I whispered in an attempt to shut him up.

But he kept on going. "Nah, let me finish. You should've stayed upstairs with us yo. The funniest shit happened. Look--"

"Za I'm being serious." I said sharply.

He stopped and looked at me sort of confused. "What's going on?"

"Well my girlfriend's home and she doesn't exactly approve of me partying and stuff."

Za's mouth formed in an 'o' and he quietly said, "So she doesn't know about--"

"Justin who's that?" I heard Dana call. Before I had time to answer she met me by my side, holding onto my shoulder. When she realized it was Za she smiled, catching me off guard.

"Oh, hey. You live next door right?" She asked.

Za nodded.

"Yeah, you're the guy responsible for my boyfriend being completely drunk the other night."


"Hush Justin I'm only kidding."

I let out a nervous chuckle.

"So what's your name?" Dana asked.

"It's Za, I already told you that." I answered for him.

"I know but--" Dana's phone rang interrupting us. She looked at it and gave us both an apologetic look. "Sorry I have to take this. It's my grandmother."

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