Nineteen | Welcome To Vegas Part 1

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"Can you believe the summer is almost over?" I asked Justin.

We were both in my backyard, laying in the grass while looking up at the sky. We've probably been out here for an hour now but it was so relaxing, we didn't wanna move.

His eyes remained on the clear sky. "No not really."

I sighed. "I feel like I should go back to school but honestly, that's not where my heart is anymore."

Justin turns his head to finally look at me. "So don't. Do what you wanna do."

"It's not that easy." I replied. "If I do what I wanna do, I'll be away from Nonna most of the time."

"It'll be the same if you go back to school."

He had a point.

I cover my face with my hands and let out a huge sigh. "This is so frustrating."

Justin sits up and takes my hands from my face. He tells me to sit up too, so I do. Then he grabs my hands. "I was going to wait until later tonight to tell you this but, you're stressing and I can't wait."

I froze. Whatever it is, it could be bad. "Justin if it's not good then--"

"No it is." He smiles. "I think."

"Well...what is it?" I asked slowly. I'm not sure if I even wanted to hear it.

He squeezes my hands tighter and exhales. "The um...the Billboard Awards is coming up."

I already felt my heart picking up speed. "Andddd?" I asked anxiously.

He uses one of his hands to scratch his head. "And I...wanted to know if you would be my date."

A smile spread across my face and I threw my arms around him. "Oh my gosh, Justin of course! Are you kidding me? Oh my gosh, when is it?"

"Two days from now."

"What?!" I shrieked. "Justin why would you wait until now to tell me that? I have to get a dress and everything. Oh my gosh, I only have--"

"Will you relax?" Justin chuckled. "Do you really think I would wait until two days to tell you this if I didn't have everything covered?"

I stopped and frowned. ""

"Yep." He merely replies. "The jet and everything."

"The jet?"

"Yeah. The show is in Vegas."



I sat quietly and let everything sink in. I have never been to an awards show before. I've always watched them at home. Now I was getting a chance to see what it's like in person. This all just seems surreal. I can't believe it. I looked at Justin and frowned, realizing something. "Wait, how'd you know I would even say yes?"

He smirks. "Why would you say no?"

I lightly punched his arm and smiled. "This is going to be so much fun."

"Yeah." He says while he stands up. "But let's go get some food right now. I'm starved."

"Me too."


The following day I explained everything to Nonna about going to Vegas and she told me that she was more than happy for me. She said she'd be able to take care of herself while I was away. Four months ago I wouldn't have believed her. But nowadays she's better than ever.

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