Thirty | "What?!.."

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"And......STRIKE!" Dana screamed as her ball knocked into the pins. She turned to face me, the biggest grin on her face, and fist pumps. "Oh yeah! Who's the best? Dana Mendes, that's who. Mhm, give me some."

Dana held her hand out for a high five and I playfully rolled my eyes, slapping mine against hers.

"Okay, your turn again. And this is the last one so you better give your all." She warned.

I grabbed a ball, stuck my fingers through the holes and aligned myself with the lane. Dana laughed when I kissed the ball for good luck.

In a split second, my fingers were releasing their selves from the small holes and the ball was taking flight down the smooth alley. I managed to knock down nine pins and when the tenth one started to wobble, I crossed my fingers for good luck.

"C'mon, c'mon.." I mumbled as I watched the pin intently. It wobbled a final time before standing up tall. I mumbled a curse word under my breath as I watched Dana do a little victory dance.

She walked over to me and laced her fingers around my neck. "Looks like I get to keep my undefeated title after all."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I muttered. "Let's go get some food, I'm hungry."

"You can at least say congratulations."

I smiled, "Congratulations babe."

Dana smiled contently and kissed my cheek before letting go and grabbing her purse. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, remembering it had vibrated earlier. It was a message from Scooter.

Ready for another late night show?


I'll speak to you at noon tomorrow.


"Ryan texted me. He wants to talk." Dana said as we left the bowling alley.

"Tell him to meet up with us." I suggested.

"Where are we going?"

"To Stacy's. They have the best burgers and onion rings ever."

"Okay, I'll tell him."


- Dana's POV -

In precisely twenty minutes Justin and I arrived at Stacy's. There were a few people standing outside who asked for pictures with Justin and some with me. It took us maybe ten minutes to finish and when we got inside the restaurant Ryan and Allyson were already at a table.

"Took you guys long enough." Ryan smiled as he got up and pulled me into a tight hug. I reciprocated, hugging him just as tight.

"We were just taking a few photos outside." Justin said as he slid into the booth.

I slid in after him and smiled at the couple in front of me. "So what's going on?"

"Well," Ryan placed an arm around Ally's shoulder as he smiled down at her. "We have something we want to tell you guys--"

"But we wanna wait until a little later." Ally finished.


"Okay," I nodded. "Sounds cool."

Over the next fifteen minutes, the waitress came over with drinks, gave us menus and later, took our orders. We all ordered burgers and onion rings since Justin said that Stacy's had the best.

"So what's been going on in your life Justin?" Ryan asked.

Justin merely shrugged, "Not much. I've just been home, hanging."

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