Fourteen | Not Again

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"Justin talked to Ryan this morning." Allyson told me. We were both sitting under the dryer at the hair salon. It's been two days since the altercation I had with Justin. I got tired of sitting in the house doing absolutely nothing so I was glad that Allyson invited me out with her.

I turn slightly so that I could get a better view of her. "Yeah? W-what did he say?"

Allyson shrugged. "Just guy stuff."


"But Ryan did ask him what was going on with you two."

"And what did he say?" I say almost too quickly.

Ally sighs. "He knew that I would tell you what he was going to say so he went into Ryan's room to finish their conversation."

I sigh and look down at my hands.

"He did look pissed as soon as Ryan said your name though."

I frown and say, "He has no right to even be pissed. After all I was the one who got pushed to the floor."

"He pushed you?!" Allyson shrieked.

My eyes widen as I pull my finger to my lips. "Be quiet!" I hissed.

"Why did you tell me everything except that?" She says in a hushed voice.

I shrug. "It wasn't that big of a deal I guess."

"Yeah until he decides to use a fist to your face the next time." She scoffs.


She holds her hands up defensively. "What? I'm just saying. I would rat him out to TMZ or something."

"Why?" I laugh at that stupid idea.

"Guys shouldn't put their hands on you Dana. Who knows how far he'll go the next time?"

I shake my head. "Justin's not like that."

"Did he even apologize?"

I pause once I realize that he hadn't.

"Exactly." She nods. "You can find the TMZ number on Google. They know who you are. You've been seen in pictures with him before."

"Ally I'm not going to rat Justin out to TMZ."

"Fine." She sighs. "But the next time you will...or I will."

"There won't be a next time." I roll my eyes.

The hair dresser comes over and shuts off Alley's dryer. "You're finished." She says sweetly.

Allyson looks at me once more before getting up. "Says every domestic violence victim."

I roll my eyes again but this time in annoyance. I can't believe she thinks that Justin would physically abuse me. He wasn't like that, just like I told her. I mean, it was just a push and I couldn't really blame him. I took it further than I needed to.


After another half hour Allyson and I are out of the hair salon and in her car. I had to admit, my hair looked good. It was shiny, full, and curled to perfection.

"Here." Ally nudges me. She slides a small coin pouch into my hand and I stare at it utterly confused. "Open it."

I do as I'm told and once I see what's inside I look at her blankly. "Marijuana, Allyson? What're you trying to do to me?"

She laughs. "Trying to put you at ease. You've been stressed lately."

"But I know how to keep myself at ease and I don't need to smoke to do so." I give her the pouch back and wait for her to pull off.

Distant | j.b fan fic (MBFR Sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz