Twenty | Welcome To Vegas Part 2

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We finally arrived at the show and any nerves that I was feeling before, was ten times worse. My palms were sweaty so I wiped them on the cushion before Justin helped me out.

"Thanks." I mumbled. I smoothed out my dress and held on tight to the clutch in my hand. There were so many people out here right now. I was so busy looking at all of the celebrities entering the theatre that I barely noticed the dozen of flashing lights in my face. I can't believe I'm here right now. I can't believe I'm only centimeters away from people that I thought I'd never see in my life. This is so unbelievable.

Justin grabs my hand and we walked towards a lady who I recognized from the E! channel. She smiled and held her microphone close to her mouth.

"Here we're standing live with international popstar Justin Bieber and his lucky lady who I have to say, I've been dying to meet." She looks at me and I flash a small smile.

"Really?" I asked. Justin looked over at me with a smile plastering on his own face. Him standing here with me was putting me more and more at ease.

"Of course." The woman squealed. "You've been all over every social media website, magazines, you name it. I think just about everyone would love to know your name. We've been dying to know more about you."

I chuckled a little. "Well, there's not much about me for you guys to know. I'm just an ordinary nineteen year old living in California." I shrugged. "But since you've all been wondering who I am, I'm Dana. Dana Mendes."

She looked at the camera and brought her microphone back to her mouth. "Well, you heard it here first people. I'm standing here with Justin Bieber and Dana Mendes. So I wanna know, where did you guys meet and how long have you known each other?"

This time Justin speaks. "We met in school and we've known each other for a while now."

She merely nods. "That's awesome. So Justin, you're nominated in four different categories tonight. How do feel about that?"

"Grateful." He says. "I've only been in the industry for a short amount of time and to even be nominated for anything tonight is amazing. Honestly, I believe that I'm truly blessed."

"So do I. Now, I only have time for one more question and I have to ask, what're your plans now that you're finished touring?"

"I'm working on another album." Justin answers. "I always have ideas and I'm always making new music."

"That's incredible." She nods. "Well Justin and Dana, I'll see you two inside. And for you guys watching at home, we'll be right back. Don't go anywhere!"

The security leads Justin and I into the theatre and up to the front where there were reserved seats with our names on them. The seat next to me was empty and I couldn't help but wonder who's seat it was. So I lean up and look at the paper.

Katy Perry.

Holy shit. Katy Perry was going to be sitting right next to me. That woman is like my idol! I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this special treatment at all. I place my hand on Justin's and look at him. "Justin why am I here?" I ask.

He frowned. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that I don't deserve all of this. Your life is so amazing and I don't know if I belong in it anymore."

"Dana are you...breaking you with me?"

I smiled a little. "No. It's just that I sometimes wonder why you don't wanna leave me and find some hot celebrity chick who can compare to your new lifestyle."

"Where is all of this coming from?" Justin asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, how often do I get to sit by Katy Perry?" I point to the chair next to me." Then I lean over and looked at the reserved seat next to him. "Or...Erin Tyler?"

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