Thirty-Four | Hypothetical

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"These are amazing," Justin said after he dug a fork into the eggs that sat on the stove.

"Yeah but you know everything's not finished yet," I playfully glared at him. I woke up early in the morning just to cook a big breakfast for his parents. I'm still trying to make a good impression even if Justin says they like me.

"Well all you have to do is flip the bacon a little more and everything looks finished to me." Justin tugged at my wrist and spun me around, planting a kiss on my lips. I gave in for a little before I pulled away and returned my attention to the stove.

"Not now, Justin." I mumbled. "You never know if your parents are gonna come in here unannounced."

I felt his hands on my shoulders as he shook me lightly. "Why. Are. You. So. Worried?" he spoke. "Relax babe, seriously. My parents aren't some rich, snobby, judgmental people. They're actually human and down to earth."

"Do you think they would want extra salt on their bacon or no because it's already sal---" 

Justin shot me a look with folded arms and I finally sighed, deciding to relax. It's just that I wanted to impress them as much as I could. I wanted them to like me.

"I'm sorry," I spoke. "I just really want them to like me Justin."

"They already do Dana." he assured me. "They love you."

"Yeah right." I laughed. I turned the stove off and turned to Justin with a little smile on my face. I couldn't help but feel a little relaxed with him saying that. "No they don't."

He grabbed my hands, pulling me into him. "They outta. You're my girlfriend." he whispered while kissing my ear. "One day you'll be my wife," my stomach did flops at that, "and then the mother of my children."

My cheeks burned a bright red at the part and when Justin noticed he smiled. "What are we naming our children anyway?"


"I like Danielle for a girl, and Justin Jr. for a boy."

Before I had a chance to respond, Jeremy came sauntering in with a pointed finger and raised eyebrows. "I'm still young kiddo. No grandkids anytime soon."

"That's too late dad, Dana's already pregnant."

"What?" Jeremy's face fell.

Justin laughed and shook his head. "I'm kidding man. Sit down, Dana made breakfast for you guys. Where's mom?"

"Right here!" Pattie's small voice chimed in.

"And Irene?" I forced myself to say. Part of me didn't really want her here. Scratch that, I didn't want her here at all. This would've been the perfect family breakfast if Pattie didn't ask her to tag along.

"I'm here, thanks for asking about me." she gave me a small smile, with a wink. Her hair sat in a neat bun on top of her head and she wore a light pink hoodie and sweat short set with fuzzy white slippers. I'd admit I was kind of jealous that someone could wake up looking that neat in the morning. Compared to my still frizzy hair and baggy sweat pants, she looked great I can't lie.

"No problem." I looked around awkwardly. 

"So is everyone ready to eat?" Justin clapped loudly. "Great, because I am." he set plates in front of everyone and filled them food, later taking a seat right next to me. "This is all Dana by the way. So all thanks goes to her."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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