Eighteen | "Who Says I Am?"

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"So what's he like?"

I refolded a few shirts on the display table that a couple of teen girls had just came by and messed up before they left. I was getting pretty use to going behind people and cleaning what they messed up. Though it was irritating, it was my job so I couldn't complain. Only I wish I could because on top of folding clothes and working the cash register, I had to take pictures with most of Justin's fans who recognized me at least once a week, and answer every question Chris asked me about him.

"Seriously? I've already told you." I smiled though my back was facing him.

Chris sighs. "Yeah but, I like when you say it. So tell me."

I inwardly roll my eyes and smile, "He's funny, he's talented, and he's super cute." I decided to keep it short this time.

"Well we all know the last one is true." Chris says. "Dana please find me a guy like him."

I bite my lip to keep from laughing. As soon as I'm finished folding the clothes I return to the cash register next to Chris. Then I look at my phone.

"I'm off in ten. Where's April?" I asked.

Chris toyed with his bleached hair. "She should be walking in right now."

"At least she won't have much work." I shrugged. The place was completely dead today. Maybe it was because it was pouring rain out.

"I'll find something. All she ever does is sit on her ass and text her boyfriend. Not todayyyy." He says in a high pitched voice. "You should tell Justin to come by one of these days."

I snorted. "Why, so he can be bombarded by papparazzi?"

Chris shrugged. "It was just a thought." He finally got his hair the way he wanted and plopped down on his stool while placing his hands in his lap.

Though working here was very exhausting at times, I really liked it. Especially because Chris had grown to become a very good friend of mine over the month. In the beginning I thought being here was going to put Nonna into a deeper depression because no one was home with her but, I was wrong. She's gotten so much better, she even started cooking again. When I asked her to come out shopping with me one day, she didn't say no like usual. I was so glad to see her back to doing things that she used to.

A guy wearing an oversized hoodie and glasses walks in.

I already knew who it was.

Apparently Chris didn't because he leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Keep close attention to this one. He looks hella suspicious."

I laughed and watched as Justin walked up to the counter.

"You ready baby?" He says in an extremely low creepy voice.

Chris studied him more and gasped. "No fucking way! MOTHERFUCKING JUSTIN B--"

I quickly slap my hand to his mouth and looked around frantically hoping that no one heard him. "Be quiet before people notice."

"C-can I at least h-have a picture before you guys leave? I-I'm such a big fan." Chris said in a shaky voice.

Justin quickly takes off his glasses and removes his hood so that Chris could snap the picture. Two seconds later he was back in his disguise.

I grabbed my phone and clocked out, allowing Chris to stare at his new photos in pure infatuation.

Then I grab Justin's hand and we dart out of the nearest exit and into the parking lot, running through the rain that was having no mercy as it landed on us forcefully. Justin unlocked the doors to my car and slid in the driver's seat.

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