Twelve | Unplanned Visits

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"Justin!" Erin's voice rings through the quiet airport, causing a few heads to turn in our direction.

Justin tightens the hood on his head and quickly walks up to her with me following close behind. "Don't do that unless you want a hundred papparrazzi running after us."

She throws her hands over her mouth with wide eyes. "Oh my god, I almost forgot."

Justin let's out a light chuckle and pulls her in a one-armed hug. "It's cool. I'm glad to finally see you again."

"Same." She nods. Then her eyes lock on mine and she smiles harder. "Oh my gosh, how rude of me."

"Dana." I flip my hair over my shoulder and awkwardly look around.

"That's right." Erin snaps her fingers. "How's it going?"

"Fine." I merely respond as I scratch my arm.

The space between the three of us grows quiet and now we're just looking at one another. Justin finally breaks the silence by clapping his hands.

"So," he starts. "my ride is probably outside by now. Erin, I guess you can follow us to the hotel. We can all do something as soon as I get settled in."

"Justin," I turn to him. "You don't have to stay at a hotel if you don't want to. You can stay at my house."

"Really?" He raises his eyebrows.

I giggle. "Of course."

"I guess you can follow us to Dana's house then." He tells Erin.

"Aww, that's so cute. You guys are so cute!" She squealed.

I had a sudden urge to roll my eyes.

Soon, Justin and I are being driven to my house and Erin's car was right behind us. Instead of talking, I bit my nail the whole time just looking at the familiar streets.

The ride seemed unusually quick. We were already pulled in the front and I was dragging my suitcase in the house. Nonna's van wasn't in the driveway so I'm assuming nonno had another doctor's appointment.

I pull Justin and my suitcases in a small corner in the living room for the moment. I didn't really feel like walking upstairs.

Justin finally slides his hood from his head, making his hair spring in different directions. He didn't even bother to fix it. In a way, it looked cute. "Oh, congratulations again. On your single." He smiles.

"Thanks. I'm still excited." Erin giggles. "People are starting to notice me now. Someone even asked for my signature the other day. I think I have fans now."

The both of them laugh.

Then Erin starts rambling about everything she's been up to while Justin was out of town. I couldn't help but notice how focused Justin was on listening to her. He soaked in every word, occasionally nodding. Why wasn't he doing that when I was talking to him?

I manage to slip away and upstairs in my room without them noticing. As I slip out of my coat, I let out a huge breath I didn't even know I was holding. Then I slip out of my shoes and plop down on my bed, turning on the tv. I could hear the two of them laughing and jealously struck me. What was it about Erin that made Justin pay more attention to her than me?

Approximately twenty minutes pass by and they still haven't called me or tried to find out where I went. I shake my head in frustration and try my best to focus on tv. Only, it wasn't really working.

Finally Justin pops his head in my room with a smile on his face. "Erin and I wanna know if you want to go laser tagging? I haven't had a lot of free time lately."

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