Chapter 29: Back to Hogwarts

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Note: So I forgot to write about some things mentioned in this chapter so I'm just going to tell you. Hermione and Dean and Head Boy and Head Girl. (Don't judge) Instead of Quidditch Captains (you shall see why) there will be House Captains (mentioned in the next few chapters)

 (Don't judge) Instead of Quidditch Captains (you shall see why) there will be House Captains (mentioned in the next few chapters)

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Today was the day me and Hermione left for Hogwarts again. I had packed all my stuff the night before and I was really worried I'd forget something. Arnold, my cute adorable pygmy puff is coming with me too! Harry and Ron's tests were tomorrow so they had time to say goodbye to us. We made our way through the crowd of muggles and stood before the entrance to Platform 9¾. Harry kissed my cheek and we pushed the trolley towards the wall. We entered and I still remembered the first time I saw Harry hear. I thought he was the most awesome person on earth. I never knew that 7 years later I'd be standing here with the famous Harry Potter as my boyfriend. Harry helped me load my things onto the train. We had 4 minutes till the train left. I turned to face Harry. He smiled at me. "I'll miss you" I whispered, burying my face in the crook of his neck. He stroked my hair and said "I'll miss you too baby." "Promise to write to me everyday" I said kind of demandingly. Harry chuckled and replied "Yes ma'am." Harry pulled me on and softly kissed my lips. He was going to pull back but I didn't let him. I wasn't going to be able to see him till Christmas and I wanted to make the time I had left with him worth it. I deepened the kiss and Harry pulled me closer. His hands were placed in my waist and mine on his shoulders. Unfortunately the kiss was cut short due to Hermione yelling at me to hurry up. I pulled away and blushed. Harry pecked me on the lips one last time before he said "Go Gin. Go back to Hogwarts." I smiled and hugged before I slowly made my way to the Hogwarts Express.

On the train I met Luna. Neville was doing Auror training too. Eventually Dean came in with Seamus. Dean looked at me rather weirdly but I ignored it. Once we arrived at Hogwarts Harris was in his usual spot guiding first years. As we made our way to the carriages I realised I could see them. I could see the Thestrals. Hermione was close to crying. We entered the Great Hall and all the teachers were there. I did not know why but Remus was sitting up there too. We watched the sorting and at the end we all stood go to clap. As we all took our seats Dumbledore's voice boomed across the room. "Welcome new and returned students. For those of you who may not know me yet I am Professor Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts. Today I have a few new announcements. Hogwarts has been rebuilt because of the 2nd Wizarding War. Things are mainly in the same spots, it is just that some classrooms have been moved in order for us to have a larger Hospital Wing." No one said a word. "I am proud to announce that our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is Professor Lupin this year and we have an in-learning teacher Cedric Diggory." Dumbledore said. Then he gave a slight nod to Professor McGonagall. "Unfortunately Quidditch will be cancelled this year due to the fact that our Quidditch Pitch was burnt to the ground," Professor McGonagall started. A series of groans and yells filled the hall. "But instead we have a substitute for this. To earn house points we will have 3 Talent Shows across the School Year. Each Head of House Teacher will choose 5 contestants or groups to be their house representative. The winner will receive 80 House Points. 2nd place 60 house points and 3rd place 40 House Points. If you wish to participate, inform your Head of House and they will let you know when try outs happen." Chatter broke out amongst the students. Then Dumbledore gave out the speech about the rules and things for the new students. Soon Hermione and Dean were escorting first years to their dorms. I made my way to my dorm room which I shared with Hermione, Lavender Brown and some other girls. I had grabbed my timetable for tomorrow on my way to my dorm so I grabbed all my books I needed for tomorrow and packed it in my bag. I didn't know what to do so I grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote a letter to Harry.

Dear Harry,
I'm at Hogwarts now. I'm really upset because we won't have Quidditch this year and this is my last year at Hogwarts :( Instead we're having a Talent Show. Should I try out? Also Remus is the DADA teacher!! Did you know that?! Tomorrow morning I have charms first thing. Then History of Magic. I really miss you! Goodnight.

~ Ginny

A/N sorry for the delay... I'm trying to post ASAP but I've been so busy lately that I cannot handle everything. Anyways Shoutouts:


That's it for today! Ily!

- clace_hinny777

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