Chapter 11: Cedric

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Harry's P.O.V

I don't know why I stormed out but I just couldn't bear to see they're reactions. I muttered the password to the Fat Lady before I heard a voice calling my name. "Harry, Harry!" I swivelled around and there was Cedric Diggory running towards me. He looked the same. A bit dirty but still in the same outfit he had when he died. I just stared. I didn't dare to move. I felt a bit dizzy and suddenly everything went black.

Ginny's P.O.V

As soon as Harry left I ran to get him, Hermione and Ron following. I whipped out my wand and murmured "Accio Marauders Map." Soon enough the Marauders Map was flying towards me. I caught it and found Harry outside the Gryffindor Common Room with... CEDRIC DIGGORY!!! "Mione..." I breathed. "What?" Hermione replied. I showed her the map and she audibly gasped. "Cedric's back." Hermione said to Ron. "Ok. Wait... WHAT!!??" I shoved the map in front of Ron's face and said "LOOK!" Ron just stared for a second before whispering "Bloody hell!" We all ran to the Gryffindor Common Room but found Cedric kneeling over Harry. We cautiously walk over. "Ummm... Cedric?" I ask. "Ginny? Ron, Hermione?!" Cedric exclaims "Wow you've grown a lot!" "Cedric, you're meant to be dead" Hermione states. He nods. "It's been 3 years." I say. "Bloody hell! No wonder you've all grown!" Cedric says in surprise. "W-What happened to Harry?" I question. "He saw me and fainted." Cedric answered simply. Ron pointed his wand at Cedric. "Just to be sure you're not a Death Eater, who did you take to the Yule Ball?" "Cho." Cedric says. Hermione nods and we take Harry up to the Hospital Wing. Well... Ron takes Cedric to McGonagall. Madame Pomfrey fixes Harry straight away. She says "He's just in a lot of stress. He'll wake up soon." Mione and I sit next to Harry, when James and Lily rush in. Lily bursts into tears as she sees Harry and James wraps his arms around her. McGonagall, Sirius, Remus, Ron, Cedric and my family soon enter. Madame Pomfrey explains Harry's stress and anxiety to everyone causing Lily to sob harder. Ron, Hermione, McGonagall and my family leave while the rest of us stay. Cedric kept asking questions about what happened in the last three years and we answered them, giving him every detail we could. He was rather surprised but was expecting Harry to be the one to defeat Lord Voldemort. It was around 3:30 when Harry woke up. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes. As soon as he saw Cedric he stiffened and avoided his gaze. "Harry" Lily said softly. He looked up at his mother's eyes. In the end we all leave the room letting Harry and Cedric talk on their own. When we entered the room again they were both smiling. Madame Pomfrey insisted Harry get checked on one last time just to make sure. Harry grumbled his "Fine" and Madame Pomfrey asked everyone to leave. Harry was soon out in no time and when Mum and Dad saw him they hugged him. Dora came down with Teddy and asked what was going on. Lupin explained because Harry didn't say anything and Dora just stared. She went over to Harry and hugged him before seeing Cedric. "But I thought you said Cedric died?" "Yeah... but you know how some of us are rising from the dead... well here you go" Lupin kinda explained. Dora smiled at Cedric and shook his hand as a greeting. Soon it was bedtime (well according to mum) and we all headed to our dorms. Harry kissed me on the forehead before leaving. That night I tossed and turned, unable to sleep. When I finally slept, a nightmare haunted me.

"Kill the spare." A swishing noise and a second voice, which screeched the words to the night: "AVADA KEDAVRA!!!" A blast of green light blazed through my eyelids, and I heard something heavy fall to the ground beside me. Harry was lying spread-eagled on the ground beside me. He was dead.

I woke shaking and drenched in sweat. I peeled the covers off of me and slowly walked to Harry's Dorm. I noticed Hermione wasn't' with me so I predicted she was with Ron. It was pretty late so all the adults had gone to bed. I opened the door to the boys dormitory and nearly ran to Harry, relieved to see he was alive. I crawled into his bed snuggling closer. Harry's eyes opened and he asked me "What are you doing here Gin?" "N-Nightmare" I stammer. I shudder at the thought of my dream and Harry puts an arm around me. He whispers soothing words and gives me kisses and squeezes making me calm down. Soon I fall into a deep uninterrupted slumber. 

A/N I'm so sorry for not updating!! I've been really busy! I'm in Year 6 so a lot of end of year things are coming up for me and I'm not havning much time to upload. I have some shoutouts to give!




Please go check out their accounts! I thank you and them so much for reading my story and giving me do much support! I'm really sorry about the lack of updating and I'll hopefully update by Wednesday-Friday! If you enjoyed this chapter: 




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