Chapter 1: The Graveyard

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Text copyright © clace_hinny777™ 2020

Published 18 September 2020

This story is a work of FICTION. None of this is real and/or true. Names, characters, businesses, places and situations are all a product from the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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Hey guys!! I am writing this new story for you to read and I hope you like it. If you haven't read my other story (Harry Potter: After the War Hinny) hop onto my account and have a read! 

Lily's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open and I was met with the sight of a lid. UGH! JAMES AND SIRIUS DID THIS!! Why though, why?? Suddenly all the memories of the night came flooding back to me. Harry... Voldemort... James... I let out a strangled cry when I felt movement next to me. I looked beside me. James was there staring at me. "J-James?" I stutter "B-But your-" "Dead I know" James cut in. He looked bewildered. James then held out his wand and whispered while holding my hand "Ascendio!" I felt myself being lifted from the bottom of the box or whatever I was in and flew into the air. We were soon on our feet in a graveyard. A GRAVEYARD!! I whimpered and James put his arms around me. "James we died!" I cry. He kisses me on the forehead. "Where's Harry?" I ask "Tell me he's not here!!" James shook his head. "If he had died he would be layed with us he must be alive!" I let out a sigh of relief. James leads me out of the graveyard. "Let's find someone to talk to." I nod. "Sirius?" He asks me. I shrug. James grabs my hand and we apparate to 12 Grimmauld Place.

Sirius's P.O.V

I wake up in a place somewhat familiar, when I realise I'm at Grimmauld Place. Memories flash before my eyes. Harry... Bellatrix... veil... NO! Harry can't be dead! Oh what a way to repay James and Lily! I just killed their son! Wait... Harry had a chance of being alive. I will not think that he is dead. Suddenly I heard a knock at the door. I sighed and grumbled my way to the door. I opened the door only to be greeted by people who looked like James and Lily Potter. My mouth hung open. They couldn't be alive! They were dead! But how come I was alive? "Umm... Padfoot would you care to let us in. It's freezing out here!" James said. I stepped aside to let them in but as soon as I shut the door I whipped out my wand. "Who are you and what are you doing impersonating James and Lily Potter!" I said through gritted teeth. "Padfoot its us" James exclaimed with Lily nodding vigorously by his side. "T-Then turn into Prongs" I replied, failing to be angry. And then in a blink of an eye there was a stag standing right in front of me. "P-Prongs?" I asked, almost about to cry. The Stag turned back into James and he nodded. I ran to them engulfing both of them in my arms. "Sirius is H-Harry alive?" Lily questioned, worriedly. "I'm not sure.." I answered truthfully. "What do you mean?" James asked me. "I died" I replied simply "I don't know what day or year it is and what happened to Harry." Lily whimpered. I looked at them apologetically. James clapped me on my shoulder "It's not your fault. You died trying to save Harry. For all we could know he could be alive." I nodded and called "KREACHER!" They heard a CRACK and Kreacher appeared looking dumbfounded. "M-Master Sirius what are you doing here?? You died 2 years ago!!" "It's been 2 years," I asked. "Y-Yes Master" Kreacher replied. I looked at him. He had blood splattered on his clothes and was wearing this necklace thing around his neck. "Why are you so bloody?" I questioned. "Well you see Master we just had a battle with You-Know-Who and we won! We defeated him!!" Kreacher exclaimed, happily. "Who defeated him precisely?" James asked, stepping into view. "Mr and Mrs Potter!" Kreacher said, surprised "What is happening here Master?" I shook my head. "I do not know." "But answer James's questions." I snarl. "Well Harry, Harry Potter defeated him! We all thought he was dead but he wasn't! He is only 17!" Kreacher answered. "17!" Lily exclaimes "Oh my James we missed so much of his life!" Lily breaks down crying and James comforts her. "Kreacher can you take us to Hogwarts please?" "Of course Master" Kreacher says, bowing as he takes mine and James's hands. James holds onto Lily tightly and we apparate to Hogwarts. As soon as we arrive Kreacher explains that we cannot be seen as all three of us are supposed to be dead. He casts a disillusionment charm on us and we walk through the front gates of Hogwarts. What we saw was horrible. There were blood stained walls and the castle needed to be repaired. I told Kreacher to take us to Dumbledore but he shook his head sadly. "Dumbledor has died" Kreacher replies but he puts a silencing charm on us so no one can hear our reactions. "But I can take you to McGonagall. The new headmistress." I nodded my approval and we made our way up to Dumbledore's old office.

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