Chapter 34: Epilogue

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Lily's P.O.V

It was a bit traumatizing after I had watched Harry's memories. For about a week every night I would wake up sweating, thinking that Harry was dead. But James was there to help me get through it. Harry was home for the Christmas Holidays and so was Ginny. They were really happy together. Harry and Ginny announced that after Ginny had finished Hogwarts they would find an apartment in London and move in together. When I first heard the news I smiled and gave them both a hug. I also made sure to whisper in Harry's ear to tell him to take care of Ginny. Molly burst into tears and said "My daughter's all grown up!" As Christmas was drawing closer we invited the Weasley's and Hermione to stay at our house. Right now we were all decorating. Hermione and Ginny decorating the tree, Molly and I were doing all the decorating which were up high and Arthur, James and Sirius were outside hanging up the lights on the roof. We set the boys a simple task. To bake some cookies. But they had been in there for at least an hour now and all we could hear was their frustrated groans, so I thought that they had definitely not accomplished that task. Hermione and Ginny had finished decorating the tree and walked into the kitchen to help the boys. As soon as they walked in I heard Hermione yell "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THIS PLACE!!!" Both Molly and I stifled laughs. All the boys were kicked out of the kitchen and they were all covered in flour. I burst out laughing and Harry rolled his eyes and yelled "Not funny mum!" as he walked up the stairs to take a shower. Fred and George meanwhile, were running around the house trying to throw flour at each other but Molly stopped them with a stern glare, which sent them running.

After everything was done, the girls came out with freshly baked cookies on a tray. Ginny smiled at her brothers and said "No wonder you guys need girls in your life, otherwise you'd all be dead!" Arthur, James and Sirius looked rather confused so I decided to tell them. Despite all the boys' protests I still told them and now James and Sirius were laughing their heads off while Arthur looked at his sons in disappointment. After dinner, which Molly and I made, all the children sat down by the TV which Harry insisted James should buy and they watched a movie. All of the Weasley Family looked at the TV in utter disbelief and awe. It was not soon that they all fell in love with the TV and insisted on watching another movie. We sent all the boys to bed at around 10pm despite them pleading us not to. James invited Remus and Tonks over and they came with Teddy. We all played with Teddy and Tonks decided to leave a little bit early so she could put Teddy to bed. Remus stayed a bit longer though and the three of them had a rather good laugh when James told him about the Boys Cookie Situation.

It was around 11:30 when Remus left to find Tonks and take care of Teddy and I went upstairs to check on Harry. When I entered his room I found Ginny curled up beside him and his arms were wrapped around her waist acting like protection of some sort. I smiled. They were really cute together. I walked over and pulled the blanket up over their shoulders and gave Harry a kiss on the forehead and gave Ginny one as well. As I turned back around I found James watching me by the door. He gave me a hug and said "He's grown up now." "Yeah, I still remember holding him in my arms as a baby." I replied. We left the room and James shut the door behind us. "Everything is fine, we're all going to be ok" James whispered in my ear as we made our way towards our bedroom. 

A/N Guys... IT'S THE END OF THE BOOK! WE MADE IT!!!!! Soooo... I really truly hope you enjoyed this book and I'm super sorry for the long wait for updates! I thank all of you have been here for me from the start and also the really kind comments which did in fact encourage me to write more chapters! I thank all of my close friends who helped me write this story and sometimes edit it, my editor wasn't always available but she did her best! Once again, a HUGE thank you for my readers, because every view, comment or vote means a lot to me since I am a relatively beginner in writing on Wattpad! Thank you everyone! I LOVE U ALL! 


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