Chapter 10: 4th Year

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Ginny's P.O.V

The next day we were entering Harry's memories again. I knew Harry was nervous as this year wasn't his best. We watched Harry have his dreams and his parents were extremely frightened. James and Sirius were glaring at the Dursleys for nearly not letting Harry go to the Quidditch World Cup. James was practically jumping as if he were in the memory as they went to the world cup.

Ludo whipped out his wand, directed it at his own throat, and said "Sonorus!" "Ladies and gentlemen...welcome! Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!"

James and Sirius whooped and cheered jumping about. Lily scolded both of them and they both fell silent. But they started up again as the Quidditch Match started. Lily decided to leave it and let them enjoy it. We kept watching and then when the Dark Mark arrived...

And something vast, green, and glittering erupted from the patch of darkness Harry's eyes had been struggling to penetrate; it flew up over the treetops and into the sky. "What the -?" gasped Ron as he sprang to his feet again, staring up at the thing that had appeared. For a split second, Harry thought it was another leprechaun formation. Then he realized that it was a colossal skull, comprised of what looked like emerald stars, with a serpent protruding from its mouth like a tongue. As they watched, it rose higher and higher, blazing in a haze of greenish smoke, etched against the black sky like a new constellation. "Harry, come on, move!" Hermione had seized the collar of his jacket and was tugging him backward. "What's the matter?" Harry said, startled to see her face so white and terrified. "It's the Dark Mark, Harry!" Hermione moaned, pulling him as hard as she could. "You-Know-Who's sign!" "Voldemort's - ?" "Harry, come on!"

James groaned. "Why does it always have to be you three?" Harry shrugged. Sirius and James growled when Amos Diggory suggested that Harry was the one who cast the Dark Mark. Sirius smiled when Harry thought about the letter that he had written to him. "I got the letter," Sirius said in a 'By-the-way' manner. Harry nodded. We all watched as Harry took the Hogwarts Express and then arrived at Hogwarts. Dumbledore stood up and began to speak.

"It is also my painful duty to inform you that the Inter-House Quidditch Cup will not take place this year."

"What!!" James exclaimed, bewildered.

"What?" Harry gasped.

James smirked. He high-fived Harry and they turned around to keep watching. "Moody?" James breathed as Mad-eye Moody arrived in the Great Hall, "Why is he the teacher for Defence Against the Dark Arts?"

Dumbledore cleared his throat. "As I was saying," he said, smiling at the sea of students before him, all of whom were still gazing transfixed at Mad-Eye Moody, "we are to have the honor of hosting a very exciting event over the coming months, an event that has not been held for over a century. It is my very great pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year." "You're JOKING!" said Fred Weasley loudly.

"NO FAIR!!" James whined "We didn't get the Triwizard Tournament!" Mum smacked Fred on the head for interrupting Dumbledore. James oooohed when he saw Harry staring at Cho and I grasped Harry's hand harder.

"You know your mother, Malfoy?" said Harry - both he and Hermione had grabbed the back of Ron's robes to stop him from launching himself at Malfoy - "that expression she's got, like she's got dung under her nose? Has she always looked like that, or was it just because you were with her?"

"Yes Harry!!!!!" Sirius cheered. James was dancing about with Sirius screaming "HARRY! HARRY! HARRY!" until Lily silenced them with silencio. They begged her to undo it (except only with gestures and she let them go once they promised to not do it again.

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