Chapter 15: Potter Manor

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Harry's P.O.V

It was a few days after watching my fifth year memories when mum and dad wanted to talk to Mr and Mrs Weasley alone for a few minutes. Ron and I looked at each other bewildered and while Sirius was grinning from ear to ear. "What are you on about Sirius?" Fred asked from the other side of the table. "Is it about something exciting?" George questioned. Sirius shook his head pretending to zip up his lips. "Come on Sirius tell us!" I exclaimed. He shook his head. Ron groaned. "Please!" Sirius said nothing. "UGH!" Ron said in frustration. "Ronald," Hermione said sternly, " if Sirius doesn't wish to tell you then he doesn't have to." Sirius smiled at Hermione. Ginny rolled her eyes. Remus and Dora walked downstairs with Teddy. He gurgled in excitement making his hair turn black and eyes green when he saw me. Ginny laughed and Sirius ruffled my hair. Lupin smiled and nodded his head to Sirius as a greeting. "Moony!" Sirius exclaimed, "You're up!" "Where's James and Lily?" Lupin asked. "Talking to Molly and Arthur about you-know-what." Sirius answered with a wink. Lupin said nothing and grinned. "Just tell us please!" George pleaded. "It is not our place to tell," Lupin replied, "James and Lily will tell you soon." Dora set Teddy (who still had green eyes and black hair) down in his high chair and fed him kiwis. Mum and Dad soon came back in and we all looked at them with eager eyes. "What's with the eyes?" Dad asked jokingly. Sirius whispers something in his ear. "Ohhhh...," He smirked, "You're wondering about that. Well yes you'll hear the news after you all finish breakfast." "We have!" we all exclaim (exceptions: Lupin, Dora and Teddy). "No you guys have to wait until they (he motioned and Lupin, Dora and Teddy) finish too!" Dad said. "Please dad." I pleaded. "Just tell them honey." Mum says kissing dad on the cheek. "Alright. Well it's getting a bit crowded in the Burrow so Lily and I are planning to move out with Sirius, Lupin, Dora, Teddy and Harry if he wants to join us." Dad exclaims. We all look at each other. "Where are we going to be staying?" I ask. "Potter Manor of course." Sirius says finally speaking. "We have a manor?" I said, surprised, when Ron said (yells more like it) "YOU HAVE A MANOR?!" "Yes we do," Dad answered, "It was where I grew up." "Can I see it?" I ask. "Of course you can, Harry," Mum says, cleaning up the plates, "We're going there this afternoon." I smile and go upstairs with Ginny.

*Time Skip*

Soon we were ready to leave. I kissed Ginny goodbye before grabbing onto a Portkey. Soon we were there and what I saw was amazing. Mum and Dad led me to a large white gate. The fence surrounded hundreds of acres and I could see a huge manor, surrounded by all sorts of magical plants, a forest on each side of the manor, broken by the occasional trail or the Quidditch Pitch. "There is a list inside the manor," Dad explained, "The gate will open for anyone who's name is on that list. It should open for me and we can add names to that list." Dad pushed the gate open and he led the way to the door. The door automatically opened and we were met by a house elf that looked about Kreachers age, but had a much more pleasant expression on its face. "Mistress Lily, Master James! You have returned like I knew you would!" the House Elf said rather happily. "Hello Sadie," Dad greeted, "I have brought some people with me. This is my son Harry. Best friends Sirius and Remus. Then there's Dora and her and Remus's child Teddy, he can stay in the nursery." "Oh how wonderful! I am Alisa, the Head House Elf of Potter Manor." Alisa said, introducing herself. "How are the rest of you?" Mum questioned. "There is only a few of us left, mistress. Brinley, Farah, Axel, Colt, Alonner, Jashu, Ren and I is the only ones left, mistress. Others dyed over the years, mistress." Alisa reported rather sadly. Mum patted Alisa on the head and gave her a smile. Alisa started to call for the other House Elves and they introduced themselves. Then Mum and Dad gave us a tour of the Manor. It contained 20 bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, some which were just as nice as the Prefect Bedrooms at Hogwarts. There was a whole hallway that contained portraits of various Potter Family Members, a duelling room outfitted with a platform that could be raised for more formal duels. I thought if Hermione was here she would faint at the sight of the Library, which put the Hogwarts library to shame in both size and quantity. Mum stayed with Dora and Teddy in the Lounge Room, while Dad, Sirius and I explored the outside area. The back door led to the pool and spa. Dad told me at night there were lights that would light up the pool. There was also a place dedicated to sunbathing and beside it was an outside dining place. To the left was the Quidditch Pitch. It was larger than the one at Hogwarts. The entire manor was larger than Hogwarts. After the tour Dad and Mum showed us the room they prepared for me. The room had a Gryffindor themed wallpaper and his bed to the left side of the room. It was a queen size bed and a bedside table was laid next to his bed. On the right side of the room was a table so he could do his homework/work there and there was a carpet to cover the floor space. "Do you like it" Mum asked me nervously. I turned around and smiled. "I absolutely love it" and launched myself into their arms. Soon we let the Weasley family in and let them explore the house. Ron looked really jealous and I said he could come over anytime. Fred and George were exploding with excitement at the sight of the Quidditch Pitch and Hermione just sat in the Library Reading. Ginny liked the pool best as well as my room. We went back to the Burrow and I packed my stuff ready for tomorrow. Then I was asleep with Ginny tucked under my arm. 

A/N Hey guys! I apologise for not uploading sooner!! My wifi was broken for the past 2 days! I had started writing this chapter on Sunday but then on Monday my wifi broke. Super sorry! Here's the next chapter. Anyways guys, I have some more shoutouts to give! 










Whew! That was a ton! Thank you guys! I really appreciate all the support I receive! Also 1.9k views!!?? That's crazy! Again I thank you all so much and till next time!





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