Chapter 16: Moving Out

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Harry's P.O.V

Today I was moving. My stuff was all packed and in the lounge room while I ate breakfast. Mum was helping Mrs Weasley while Dad laughed and joked with Sirius. Dora fed Teddy and Hermione and Ron just sat there giving each other looks. Ginny, who was beside me, sighed and lay her head on my shoulder. I smiled. Soon I was leaving. I gave Ginny a kiss and she asked "Promise you'll write?" "Promise." I answered. I hugged Ron and I heard him grumble about me having a Manor and I said "You can come over anytime and besides, I'll give you access!" They all smiled at me. I stepped into the fireplace, grabbed some floo powder and said "Potter Manor!" I stepped out of the fireplace and saw the familiar surroundings of the Manor. Mum and Dad stood there smiling at me. Sirius came after me, then Lupin, Dora and Teddy. Dad helped me carry some of my stuff upstairs. Once everything was piled up in my room, I started unboxing. First my clothes. Then my other things. I pushed my Hogwarts Trunk under my bed and opened another box. There were my presents I had received from various people. Slowly I took them out one by one, placing them in different places. I reached in the box again and saw the book Hagrid had given me as a Christmas gift in first year. Slowly I flipped through the pages and looked at the photos of me when I was small. I smiled at the images of me and my parents and thought 'Now I do have a biological family.'

*Time Skip*

In the afternoon Dad and Sirius went out to play Quidditch (not sure how that'll work) with Lupin sitting on the sidelines laughing along at their jokes. Mum and Dora hung out in Teddy's playroom watching him play. I felt bored so I went to find Mum. "Hey Mum" I asked, standing at the playroom's door. Mum turned around and I saw tears fall down her face. "Are you alright?" I questioned. She nodded and said "What were you going to ask me." "Can I invite some friends over?" "Sure," Mum replies, giving me a strained smile. "Are you sure you're alright?" I repeat. Suddenly Mum envelopes me in a hug. "I'm so sorry Harry" she sobs "for not being there when you grew up." I patted her on the back knowing that watching Teddy had triggered it. "It's alright mum. I grew up without parents but I know you and dad would've been the best at it. But all that matters is now alright? The past is the past" I said reassuringly (A/N Does anyone think Harry sounded like a mum comforting a child except here it's the other way round?) Mum smiled. "Go tell your friends they can come." I thanked her and left the room. I used the floo network to contact the Weasleys. I looked around and saw Herimone and Ron snogging in the lounge room. "OI!" I exclaimed, startling them "GET A ROOM!" Both of them jump apart immediately and see me. I smirk. "Blimey Harry! What the bloody hell are you doing here?" "Wa-" But I was cut off by someone running downstairs. "Did someone say Harry?" Ginny stood at the bottom of the stairs panting when she saw me. "Harry" she exclaimed and ran towards me. "Hey Gin! Anyways do any of you guys wanna come over?" I ask, "I'm kinda bored here." "Can we go swimming?" a squealing Ginny asks. "Sure" I answer, "Only if you bring swimmers." Ginny hurries upstairs with Ron and Hermione following. Soon they all came through the floo network, Fred and George joining them. We all jumped in the pool splashing and laughing. We played a few rounds of Marco Polo and then joined my parents to play Quidditch. The teams were the same as last time (The teams were me, Ginny, Fred and Ron, and my dad, Sirius, George and Hermione) Hermione attempted to play chaser and did alright. My team won though! In the end mum let the Weasleys come over for dinner. After that the Weasleys left and I went up to my room saying goodnight to everyone. 

Here is the next chapter! It's a bit short but anyways... 2.5k views!! I thank you so much! I have now made a schedule. I'll upload 2 chapters a week (at least) and I'll try make them longer. Some more shout outs:








I love all of you who are reading this!! Next Chapter should be up by Wednesday!  

HINT: More ______ are coming back from the dead (not neccesarily people) 

Guess who or what it is!! Till next time!





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