Chapter 5: Memories

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Harry's P.O.V

The next morning, after my talk with Dumbledore about my defeat of Voldemort (which he was crying about), Ron and Hermione kept pestering me about what I meant about actually dying. Dad and Sirius were looking a bit pale and mum was crying even though she had no idea what happened. We soon started my first year memories. My parents, Sirius and the Weasley Family gathered around the Pensieve. Slowly I took out my memories and placed them into the Pensieve. "You ready?" I ask them. They nodded, mum quite tearfully. So I lowered my head and entered my memories.

I lay asleep under the stair. "Up! Get up! Now!" Aunt Petunia's voice rang through. I woke with a start. "UP" Aunt Petunia screeched again.

"YOU LIVED WITH THE DURSLEYS!" Mum yelled raging. I nodded. "B-But we said Sirius was your legal guardian. If not Sirius then Alice and Frank Longbottom and lastly we wrote down Remus." I looked at my mum. "I'll explain later" I answered simply and mum nodded.

"Are you up yet?" she demanded. "Nearly," said Harry. "Well, get a move on, I want you to look after the bacon. And don't you dare let it burn, I want everything perfect on Duddy's birthday."

Everyone looked at me horrified at how I had to do chores for them. We watched Dudley count his presents.

"Thirty-six," he said, looking up at his mother and father. "That's two less than last year." "Darling, you haven't counted Auntie Marge's present, see, it's here under this big one from Mummy and Daddy." "All right, thirty-seven then," said Dudley. He turned red in the face as Aunt Petunia said quickly, "And we'll buy you another two presents while we're out today. How's that, popkin? Two more presents. Is that alright" "So I'll have thirty... thirty..." Dudley started. "Thirty-nine, sweetums," said Aunt Petunia. "Oh." Dudley sat down heavily and grabbed the nearest parcel. "All right then."

"39 PRESENTS!" Sirius raged "39! YOU HARDLY EVER GOT 1 DIDN'T YOU!?" I nodded. "Unless you count Dudley's old socks, clothes and a clothes hanger." "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU DURSLEY!" Dad boomed. Mum wrapped her arms around me. I stayed there watching Dudley open his presents. Then when Dudley started to cry about me going to his birthday treat everyone looked at Dudley like 'SERIOUSLY?' They watched the zoo incident. My parents looked at me when they found out I was a parselmouth and we all laughed when Dudley went for a dip in the snake's lake.

"Go — cupboard — stay — no meals," Uncle Vernon said through gritted teeth.

This sentence caused everyone to start yelling at Vernon and Petunia and some tried to punch them but realised it was a memory. My parents were so happy when they saw that I had received my Hogwarts letter but were practically on fire when Vernon snatched it away.

"That does it," said Uncle Vernon "I want you all back here in five minutes ready to leave. We're going away. Just pack some clothes. No arguments!"

"Like running away is going to help you avoid those letters" George smirked, making everyone around him laugh. Mum cried into dad's arms, when she saw me singing Happy Birthday to myself at midnight. And when Hagird came BOOMING into the shack on the island everyone cheered, knowing that Hagrid would make the Dursley's pay. Laughter filled the room when Hagrid gave Dudley a pigs tail and they watched me go to Diagon Alley. When Memory Mrs Weasley came into the scene Mrs Weasley squealed and said "I should've known you were Harry Potter!" Ginny blushed bright red when she heard herself speaking.

"Oh, Mom, can I go on the train and see him, Mom, oh please...."

Mrs Weasley looked at Fred sadly and held George as he cried. Everyone watched as I met Hermione and Ron. When they heard Hermione Sirius screamed "I USED TO KNOW SOMEBODY JUST LIKE THAT!" And mum yelled "SHUT UP SIRIUS!" Dad and mum cheered for me when I was sorted into Gryffindor along with Hermione and Ron. Dad was jumping all around when he found out that I was Gryffindor's seeker in my first year. Sirius and Dad were ecstatic when I won our first Quidditch Match. When Dad saw that we had found Fluffy, he said "Sirius and I found him too didn't we Siri?" "Yes we did Jamey" Sirius replied, smirking at the nickname he gave him. Dad shot Sirius a glare and turned back around to watch the memories. When we watched me receiving my Christmas Presents they all scowled at what the Dursleys gave me and Dad cried out "MY INVISIBILITY CLOAK!" when I opened the gift from Dumbledore. Mum was crying on dad's shoulder when she saw me in front of the Mirror of Erised. Everybody was shocked when they saw Quirrel standing by the mirror trying to figure out how to get the Philosopher's Stone. Mum was soon crying again as she watched me face Quirrel and Voldemort. The memory soon changed to when I woke up in the Hospital Wing and I was talking to Dumbledore. When we finally exited the Pensieve mum and dad looked at me horrified at what I had endured in my first year. "Don't worry, the rest are way worse" I assured them. 

Hey everyone! I'm here to tell u that I'll probably not be uploading the next chapter of my story for around 4-5 days since I'm going on a road-trip. I hope you understand. If u enjoyed this chapter: 





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