Chapter 4: Dumbledore

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Harry's P.O.V

*But Minnie was cut off as the Great Hall's door flew open revealing a person who was not mistaken to be Albus Dumbledore.*

"I however do know why we have risen from the dead." I stared at Dumbledore. My former headmaster was standing there alive. Heads turned to look at him. "Alas I know you might think that I am an imposter so I will prove to you that I am not" Dumbledore said looking at all the shocked faces. Suddenly I heard music. It was the exact same thing to the music I heard in the Chamber of Secrets when Fawks arrived. And then suddenly a flash of gold, yellow and red appeared on Dumbledore's shoulder and there stood Fawks. Dumbledore smiled at us. "More proof. My name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. I am the one Lord Voldemort fears to face and the master of the Elder Wand." It was then everyone believed him. McGonagall stood there shaking. She managed to stammer "H-How??" "Before I died Sybil Trelawney known as your Divination Teacher came to my office. She was mad about having Firenze teaching Divination as well as her. We were arguing when she made a prophecy. She said 'When the Dark Lord has been defeated by the boy born at the end of July, his closest friends and family will return from the dead.' I didn't believe that this was true as no one could be raised from the dead but until now I can see it can happen." Everyone stared. No one spoke. Dumbledore chuckled. "Now let's find a place for these 3 young people to stay. Dumbledore led us to the Gryffindor Tower. "Harry." "Y-Yes Professor?" I asked rather shakily. "Congratulations on defeating Lord Voldemort. I would like to speak to you tomorrow morning as you need a good night's rest" Dumbledore said smiling. "Thanks Professor" I replied. I took my mom and dad up to the spare Dormitory Room.

"Harry" Mum asked me. I turned to face her. "Yes mum?" "Can you tell us about what's happened in your life so far?" "Ummmm...." I looked at Hermione and Ron. "Uhhh... I... It's a long story" I replied. "What do you mean Prongslet?" Dad questions. I opened my mouth to say something but Hermione took over. "Well... a lot has happened during his school years." "Harry, you are more than welcome to use my Pensieve if you like," Dumbledore says to me. I nodded. "Yeah that would make explaining easier." Mum and Dad looked at me scared, worried and confused. Sirius knew most of the things that happened to me so he looked fine. Ginny wrapped her arms around me from behind and whispered "Should I wait for you outside?" "Yeah... I'll be out soon tho." Ginny leaves the room and Dumbledore followed. Sirius jumped up and hugged me. "How does it feel to have finally defeated Voldemort?" "Umm.. well sorta relieved and happy but a little bit guilty" I bit my lip when I said that. "Prongslet..." Sirius warns. "HARRY!" Ron yells. "IT IS NOT YOUR BLOODY DAMN FAULT THAT ANYONE DIED!! YOU BLOODY ALMOST DIED TODAY!!!" "Ron calm down!" Hermione says soothingly. "What do you mean Harry ALMOST died today?" Sirius asked worriedly. Hermione and Ron looked at me. "I'll show you soon. And by the way I did die" I say exiting the room making my way downstairs to Ginny. 

HARRY'S GRAND EXIT!! Anyways... This chapter's a bit short. But next chapter will be about (as you probably know) Harry's memories. I will hopefull upload a chapter tomorrow. If I don't I'm sorry as I'll probably be busy. As usual: 





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