Chapter 9: Moony & Tonks

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James's P.O.V
We all stood there staring at each other when Sirius ran to him enveloping him in a hug. I joined in soon with Harry. "W-how?" Moony asks. The bubblegum-pink-haired lady cleared her throat. "Nymphadora!" Padfoot exclaims. "Don't call me NYMPHADORA!" she says through gritted teeth. "Alright Tonks," Padfoot says, rolling his eyes. "Can anyone answer my question?" Moony asks again. "Well there was a prophecy made..." and Harry went on telling him what happened. "I missed you Prongs" Moony says smiling "and you to Lily! Oh and by the way her last name isn't Tonks." "What do you mean Moony?" Padfoot asks. "It's because I changed it" Moony answers smirking. I audibly gasp as I realise what happened. "You got married!" Lily squeals. Padfoot stands there dumbstruck. "My best friend and my cousin??!! What do we call you then?" "Dora will be fine my dear cousin" Dora answers. Suddenly her face falls as if she remembers something. "H-Harry where's Teddy?!" "Don't worry he's fine. Teddy's at your mum's" Harry replies. She lets out a sigh of relief and Padfoot, Lily and I look at them bewildered. "We have a child" Moony answers simply. "WHAT!!!!!" Padfoot and I exclaim. Dora nods. "His name is Ted but we call him Teddy." Sirius wolf whistles and I add "Who's the godfather?" "Harry is" Moony answers. I turn to look at my son and he just smiles. We talked for a while when a question popped into my head. "D-Does he have your... uhh condition?" I asked awkwardly. Moony shook his head. " He doesn't which I am very grateful for but he is a Metamorphmagus like his mother." "You're a Metamorphmagus?" Lily questions. Dora nods and then she changed her hair colour to blue!! "Woah!" I say. Dora grins. "It looks so fun!" I exclaim. "It can get a bit annoying" Ginny says. I look at her in surprise.  "Well... I was telling him stories about Harry when he changed his hair and eyes to exactly like Harry! For a second I thought Harry had turned back into a baby again!" Ginny explains.  We all burst out laughing, Fred and George laughing the hardest. "When-did-that-happen?" Harry asked trying not to laugh. "When you were with Mione and Ron doing something about the Elder Wand" Ginny answers. "The Elder Wand??!!" I question. The trio just looks at me in a way that says 'it'll be explained later on.' So I shut my mouth and didn't say a word. Lily, Moony, Dora, Sirius, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron and I all went to see Dora's to see Teddy. Harry knocked on the door. We saw an old lady open the door and smiled as she saw Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron. Harry started explaining and she looked dumbfounded. We decided to make our move and show ourselves. Andromeda (Dora told us) gasped and flung herself at Dora and Moony. As Harry held Teddy.

(Teddy Lupin)

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(Teddy Lupin)

Lily and I introduced ourselves while Sirius kept telling her he was innocent. In the end she gave in. When we gathered around to see Teddy he indeed looked like Harry. His eyes were bright green and his hair black because Harry was holding him. As soon as he saw Moony and Dora he squeaked "Momma! Dada!" Lily, Hermione and Ginny cooed over him as Dora held him in her arms. Moony thanked Andromeda for taking care of Teddy and us boys stood there just staring at the girls. Soon we left and arrived back at Hogwarts. Dora took Teddy with her to take care of him and they slept in their own private Dorm cause of Teddy. We were all gathered in the Common Room (except for Dora and Teddy) when Moony asked "You guys were watching Harry's memories weren't you?" We all nodded. "Can I see them?" Harry said yes and Moony smiled. We started telling him about what we had seen and Moony knew most of it but not every single detail. I was practically jumping when we talked about Quidditch and Moony becoming a teacher. Dora suddenly came downstairs and whispered yelled "What are you guys shouting about??!! You're gonna wake Teddy up!!" "Sorry Dora" Moony apologised, kissing her forehead as he walked upstairs with her. He came back soon after and asked us to continue but keep our voice down. Molly was soon telling all the Weasley kids to go to sleep (except Bill, Charlie and Percy) and they were all moaning and groaning making up excuses. In the end Molly got her way and all her kids went to bed. Hermione and Harry followed not wanting them to be jealous. Then it was just the adults and we talked amongst each other asking questions and laughing. We all went to bed at 11:37pm and soon I was in bed with Lily beside me.

A/N Thank you all so much for waiting for this chapter. I'm feeling much better now and I'm sorry for the delay. I have 2 shoutouts today:


TYSM for the support on this story! Go check out their accounts!

Another A/N I know I have already given a shout out to GhostLilyRaven but she's given me so much support! She has a new story on her account so I advise you to check it out!! It only has one chapter but she's gonna update soon. Also should I do a Q&A about me?? Until next time:


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