Chapter 19: No!!

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We were both shoved in the back of a truck and I held onto Harry, wishing for him to wake up

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We were both shoved in the back of a truck and I held onto Harry, wishing for him to wake up. I loved him and I wanted him to be alright. I cried into his chest letting out all my emotions. It felt like we were stuck in this truck for hours. No food, no water, no company. Suddenly Harry let out a groan and I whispered "Harry?" No response. I continued to cry on his chest. My mind was still processing what had happened. Getting caught by Yaxely, Harry trying to save me, Harry being knocked unconscious. My brain was fuzzy. I couldn't think straight. I lay down on Harry's chest and closed my eyes. Soon I fell into an uneasy sleep. 

I sobbed into Arthur's shoulder thinking about my daughter and Harry stuck with the Death Eaters

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I sobbed into Arthur's shoulder thinking about my daughter and Harry stuck with the Death Eaters. I had always considered Harry as a son and I cared for him. The rest of the family were quiet going off to their rooms. Not even Fred and George were playing pranks anymore. Lily and James left for their manor in tears. I can still hear Lily's cries ringing in my ears. I stood up and went to go make dinner when Arthur stopped me. "Take a rest, Molly." I wiped my eyes and nodded, walking to my room. I heard Arthur yell "KIDS! COME HELP ME WITH DINNER!" Then a ton of footsteps. I heard Hermione's voice say "Mr Weasley, Ron doesn't want to come. Is that alright?" "Yeah, that's ok after er... what happened today. You don't have to help either" Arthur replied. "No, no it's fine. I'll help!" Hermione said. I sighed and lay down on my bed. Tears sprung to my eyes while I wondered if I'll ever see Ginny again.

 Tears sprung to my eyes while I wondered if I'll ever see Ginny again

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When I finally woke I was in a room. I looked around and saw Ginny staring down at the floor. "Ginny?" I whispered. She looked up at me and let out a whimper before enveloping me in a hug. She sobbed into my shoulder as I held her tight. Suddenly the door banged open revealing 2 Death Eaters. "Finally awake I see Potter" one of them spat. I knew at once that was Amycus Carrow. "We give you 2 options," Carrow said, "Tell us where the Resurrection Stone is and we won't do any harm or we torture the answer out fo you." There was a silence before the 2nd Death Eater roared "TELL US!" I didn't say anything. "Well how about we just take your little girlfriend for a few seconds and she'll tell us!" Carrow smirked. "NO!" I yelled, grabbing Ginny's wrists. "She doesn't know anything about the Stone!" "Yaxely get the Veritaserum." Carrow ordered. Yaxely slunk out of the room. "Let's see if that's true, Potter" Carrow cackled. Yaxely hurried back in with a vile and gave it to Ginny. Cautiously Ginny drank it and suddenly she stiffened. "Tell us what you know about the Resurrection Stone?" Carrow questioned, harshly. "I don't know where Harry put the stone but I know he had it once during the war" Ginny replied. Ginny turned back to normal. Carrow looked like he just had an idea. "Yaxely get more Veritaserum! Potter will have to tell the truth if we give it to him! Why didn't we think of this before!!" "Master" Yaxely said, "There's none left." "WHAT!" Carrow exclaimed, "well then uhh.. hurry up and make some more!" "Master it takes at least 28 days to make it." Yaxely replied. Carrow roared in frustration. "WELL THEN WE'LL USE ALL THE TIME WE NEED! Go grab someone to guard these 2!!" Yaxely bowed and left. Carrow punched the wall and shouted "UGH!" Then he grabbed me and dragged me out of the room. I could hear Ginny's frantic yells of my name as I was dragged along the corridor. Carrow shoved me into a room making me hit my head on the floor. "You've chosen the hard way Potter" he snarled. Ginny's shouts could still be heard except they were drowned by my own screams as Carrow shot the Cruciatus Curse at me. "Now let's see if you'll tell me anything!" 

Chapter 19 is finally here!! Sorry for the wait! There are a lot of P.O.V's in this section. I have more shoutouts! 








TYSM for all the support! Also today is boiling hot here in Australia! Anyone else an Aussie? C ya next time! 


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