Chapter 12: The Burrow

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Harry's P.O.V

I awoke to a voice yelling Ginny and my name. "HARRY! GINNY! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON!" I immediately knew it was Ron. Ginny groaned from beside me as her eyes opened. She glared at Ron. "WHY IN THE BLOODY HELL IS MY SISTER IN YOUR BED?!?!" Ron spat at me. "RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY!" Ginny yelled, "NONE OF THIS IS HARRY'S FAULT!" Ginny took a deep breath in and calmed herself down. "I had a nightmare last night and I wanted some comfort, that's all!" Hermione, who I noticed was in Ron's bed, woke and moaned "Can you guys stop shouting!" Both of them stopped arguing. "Sorry..." Ron mumbled. "And Ronald," Hermione continued. "Just let them be! Imagine yourself in Ginny's shoes." Ron muttered his sorry to us and Ginny gleamed in triumph. We all packed up our things ready to go back to the Burrow, Lupin, Mum, Dad, Sirius and Tonks with us. I still can't stop calling her Tonks. McGonagall said she'll send us the Pensieve when we arrive safely so we can still keep watching my memories.

Soon we were all gathered in the Great Hall. McGonagall waved her wand and lifted the apparition spell so we could apparate. I had managed to learn how to apparate with Hermione teaching me along with my dad. Mr and Mrs Weasley apparated first then Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George, Mum and Dad, Sirius, Remus, Teddy and Tonks, Hermione and Ron and then me and Ginny. I grinned at Ginny before grasping her hand and apparated us to the Burrow. When we arrived Ginny wobbled and I held her firm. "I prefer brooms." Ginny gasped. "I know. But you'll get used to it the more you do it." I beamed. We walked to the Burrow and put our stuff down in the lounge room. It looked the same but with slight differences. Mr and Mrs Weasley had come here frequently to fix the house. Bill and Charlie often joined them. Mrs Weasley along with Mum started going through the sleeping arrangements. Fred and George were in their room sharing with Charlie, Mum and dad in Percy's Room. Percy said he was going to go back to his flat in London, Bill returning back to Shell Cottage to find Fleur. Remus and Tonks (and Teddy) took Bill's room. Unfortunately, Ron and Hermione have to bunk with me and Ginny so Sirius can sleep in Ron's room. Hermione and Ron were outside probably snogging. Ginny and I had to share a bed and I was surprised Mr and Mrs Weasley let us. Ginny put her stuff away before climbing into my lap snuggling up close to me. I pressed my lips to her head. Ginny sighs and says: "How are your parents?" "Fine." I answer, "Mum's still distressed about 4th Year though." "Any parent would be." Ginny says. "Everyday I wake up thinking if it's all a dream." I whisper, "I just can't believe their back." Ginny wraps her arms around me and gives me a squeeze. "They're real Harry. Just as real as you and I are." I stayed silent breathing in Ginny's scent. I brush a piece of hair from Ginny's face and lift her chin with a finger. Silently I brought her face closer to mine when Ron barged through the door.

A/N Ok I know this chapter is short but it's a makeup for the ones I should of written in the time I took a break. The next chapter I've already started writing so it should be up by Saturday-Sunday. Anyways I have some shoutous to give!


I really appreciate all the support you give me!! And I can't believe this story has 928 reads! I'm so happy! TYSM you guys! Also I might be moving the memories to later chapters cause I want the family's to have some fun! Till next time!





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