Chapter 14: 5th Year

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Lily's P.O.V
Today we decided to watch Harry's memories again. It was time and Harry had recovered from rewatching his fourth year. McGonagall sent Harry the pensieve and now we were all gathered around it. Harry gave no hint of what happened that year as he slowly extracted his memories and placed it in the pensieve. Soon we were in Harry's Memories. James glared at the Dursleys when they caught Harry trying to listen to the news and Sirius growled dangerously at what Dudley was saying.

'I heard you last night,' said Dudley breathlessly. Talking in your sleep. Moaning.' 'What d'you mean?' Harry said again, but there was a cold, plunging sensation in his stomach. He had revisited the graveyard last night in his dreams. Dudley gave a harsh bark of laughter, then adopted a high-pitched whimpering voice. '"Don't kill Cedric! Don't kill Cedric!" Who's Cedric - your boyfriend?' 'I - you're lying,' said Harry automatically. But his mouth had gone dry. He knew Dudley wasn't lying - how else would he know about Cedric? '"Dad! Help me, Dad! He's going to kill me, Dad! Boo hoo!"' 'Shut up,' said Harry quietly. 'Shut up, Dudley, I'm warning you!' ''Come and help me, Dad! Mum, come and help me! He's killed Cedric! Dad, help me!"

Ron, who was to my left, narrowed his eyes and James was ready to pounce. I shook when the dementor arrived and was absolutely outraged when the Ministry of Magic expelled Harry. I nodded my head to Lupin as a thanks for getting Harry out of Privet Drive and back to Grimmauld Place. My heart warmed at how close Sirius and Harry were but at the same time my heart pained to see him without parents. James was tense wondering what was going to happen to Harry and if he was going to be expelled.

''Disciplinary hearing of the twelfth of August,' said Fudge in a ringing voice, and Percy began taking notes at once, ''into offences committed under the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery and the International Statute of Secrecy by Harry James Potter, resident at number four, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. Interrogators: Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister for Magic; Amelia Susan Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement; Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister. Court Scribe, Percy Ignatius Weasley — ' ' — Witness for the defence, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore,' said a quiet voice from behind Harry, who turned his head so fast he cracked his neck.

I let out a sigh of relief that Dumbledore was here to defend Harry. But I noticed that he was acting kind of distant. Not looking at Harry once. Soon Harry was at Hogwarts and Sirius was muttering curses at the Umbridge woman.

Dumbledore continued,'Tryouts for the house Quidditch teams will take place on the—' Dumbledore broke off, looking inquiringly at Professor Umbridge. As she was not much taller standing than sitting , there was a moment when nobody understood why Dumbledore had stopped talking but then Professor Umbridge cleared her throat , ' 'Hem , hem ,' and it became clear that she had got to her feet and was intending to make a speech . Dumbledore only looked taken aback for a moment, then he sat down smartly and looked alertly at Professor Umbridge as though he desired nothing better than to listen to her talk. ''Thank you, Headmaster,' Professor Umbridge simpered,''for those kind words of welcome." ''Well, it is lovely to be back at Hogwarts, I must say!'' She smiled, revealing very pointed teeth. ''And to see such happy little faces looking up at me!"

Ron snorted. I looked to Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George. Ron, Harry, Fred and George were trying not to burst out laughing and Ginny was trying to soothe Harry but failing because she was laughing too. Hermione just shook her head. When James saw what Umbridge did to Harry in detention he yelled "B****H! You foul wo-" I smacked him on the head and he stopped. Harry and Ron started laughing, Ginny joining in. I loved the idea of creating a group so they could actually learn defence although I understood why Harry didn't exactly want to teach it. James "oohed" when Cho and Harry looked at each other like that. Harry glared at Cho for some reason and Ginny didn't let go of Harry. Ginny didn't look when Harry and Cho kissed and Ron looked disgusted. But James said "That's my boy!"

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