Chapter 7: Fred

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Harry's P.O.V

I was with the Weasley's, my parents and Sirius in the Gryffindor Common Room when the portrait door opened. Dumbledore stood there smiling brightly at us. "What's wrong Albus?" Mr Weasley asked. "I have some great news for all of you" Dumbledore answers. He looked around the room. "Where's Miss Granger?" "In the library" Ginny, Ron and I said in unison. Dumbledore chuckled. "Always worried about her education. Smart girl Miss Granger." "Should I get her?" I question. "Yes please Harry" Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye "I have a feeling that Miss Weasley wants to go with you." I felt my face grow warm and Ginny started blushing. Dad laughed as we left the Common Room together and made our way to the library. I put an arm around Ginny. "Are you alright from what happened yesterday?" "Yes I'm fine" she replied leaning into me. "Thanks for carrying me up to my dorm yesterday." "You're welcome" I say kissing her forehead. We looked through the library before we found her huddled up in a corner reading a book murmuring to herself. "Wendelin the Weird." "Burned 47 times." "Hermione!" Ginny called. Hermione looked up. "Oh hi Harry! And Ginny! What's up?" "Dumbledore wants to speak to all of us" I explain. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I must have kept them waiting!" Hermione babbled on "Give me a second!" We waited outside the library for 2 minutes before Hermione came bustling out the door. We walked back to the Common Room together.

When we entered they were all waiting for us patiently. Hermione quickly sat down next to Ron and I sat with Ginny beside them. "Well I have some news." Dumbledore said. "Another one of the dead has been found alive." "Who is it?" Ron asked impatiently. "Ronald don't interrupt!" Mrs Weasley scolded. Ginny snickered. In my head I thought 'Who is it gonna be this time? Remus? Tonks? But it's great news for all of us plus the Weasley's. Fred?' "Hello earth to Harry!" Ginny says waving her hand in my face. "Wha- oh sorry!" "Anyways" Dumbledore continued "Fred Weasley is back from the dead." "WHAT!" Ron and Percy screams. Dumbledore nods. Mrs Weasley starts crying and Mr Weasley asks "When can we see him?" Dumbledore takes a step back and takes the Disillusionment Charm off Fred. As soon as George sees him he launches himself onto Fred. "Hey Georgie!" Fred says hugging him. "Ginny soon leaves my side with Ron and Percy and they all tackle him to the ground. Fred laughs and then stands up. Mr and Mrs Weasley rush to him along with Charlie and Bill. Soon all the Weasley's were hugging him. "Hey you Potter!" Fred says with a smirk "And you too Granger! Get in here!" We joined the hug and when we finally pulled away Fred said "I heard you were watching Harry's memories. Mind if I join?" "Sure," I reply. "I just want to see what you three get up to when you're trying to save the world" Fred says "Which years have you done?" "The first 2" George answers. "Hey Prongs" Sirius calls. "PRONGS!" Fred exclaims. "Your father is PRONGS! Why didn't you tell us?" "Whoops! I forgot" I say innocently. We all laugh and spend the rest of the afternoon laughing at Fred and George's jokes. 

A/N This chapters short but it's kinda making up for the days I didn't post cause I was on a road-trip. Anyways I wanted to give some shoutouts to the people who have read my story: 




Go check out their account! I'll add some more next time! Next Chapter= More Memories! If u like this chapter: 





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