Chapter 2: McGonagall

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Lily's P.O.V

We could enter the office straight away since they hadn't fixed it yet. Kreacher knocked on the door and we heard the faint McGonagall's voice "Come in." Kreacher led us in. "Kreacher what are you doing here?" McGonagall asked. "Well I met 3 people who I believed to be dead today." Kreacher answered. Professor McGonagall ran her hands through her hair "Is it like Pettigrew again?" Kreacher nodded but then shook his head. "How about you show me?" McGonagall suggested. Kreacher nodded and then undid the disillusionment charm. When McGonagall saw us she pulled out her wand and said rather shakily "W-who are you!" "Minnie it's us!" James exclaimed. Sirius then turned into his animagus form and jumped onto McGonagall and James turned into a stag. I drew my wand and whispered "Expecto Patronum." A doe erupted from the end of my wand and galloped across the room. McGonagall was dumbfounded and just stared at us before managing to say "H-How?" "We don't know," I answer. I suddenly blurt out the question I've been wanting to ask for ages. "Where's Harry? Is he ok? Can I see him? W-" But suddenly I burst into tears and fell to the ground. James wraps his arms around me whispering comforting words to me.

"Harry is fine" Minerva said "Although he must be a bit worn out by defeating the dark lord. How about we introduce you to his best friends." I nodded and Sirius exclaimed "Ron and Hermione!" Minerva took out her wand and said "Expecto Patronum" before muttering her message to them. I stood up and wiped my eyes ready to meet Harry's best friends. We heard voices leading up to the door. "Why would McGonagall want to see us?" "For the last time Ronald it's PROFESSOR McGonagall and maybe it's something about what we did this year?" "Who knows but why isn't Harry here with us?" "Well it could be something else like jobs or... whatever lets get this over and done with" There was a knock on the door and Minerva replied "Come in!" They opened the door and I saw one boy and a girl. The girl had bushy brown hair and her teeth were a bit off set. The boy had red hair with freckles all across his face as if they had been splattered there. When they saw us Hermione whipped out her wand and pointed it at us. "Professor! Why are you trying to trick us! Everybody knows Harry's parents died 16 years ago!" Minerva stepped forward. "They have given me proof that they are real and I believe you missed one person." Sirius stepped out from behind us. "YOU!" the boy called Ronald screamed "If you've been pretending to be dead all this time Harry's gonna kill you! He's been devastated!" Just then Sirius turned into a dog and pounced on them. Hermione gasped and squealed. Ronald just stood there staring. Taking the message from Sirius, James turned into a stag and Hermione shrieked. "S-So you're a-actually back from the d-dead!" Sirius and James turned back into their normal self and nodded. Sirius smiled and introduced us to them. "James and Lily, this is Hermione and Ronald. Harry's best friends." "SIRIUS!" Ronald moans "YOU KNOW I HATE BEING CALLED RONALD! Just call me Ron" Ron says kindly to James and I. "Oh for god sakes Ron!" Hermione exclaims. "I'm Hermione Granger and this is Ron Weasley. Sirius you didn't introduce us properly!" James and I said "Hi" politely. "Well Ms Granger and Mr Weasley do you mind finding Harry for us? Or do you already know where he is?" "I bet you he's probably somewhere snogging Ginny's face off" Ron answers, smirking. "Harry's with GINNY!!??" Sirius asks. But before anyone could answer Sirius is jumping up and down saying "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! POTTERS HAVE A THING FOR REDHEADS!" James smiles and I roll my eyes. Hermione and Ron soon leave to find Harry and the rest of us stand there waiting. I will finally see my baby boy after 16 years. I'll see him.

2nd chapter done! Tell me what you think of it and give me any suggestions to make my story better ;) If you enjoyed:





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