Luke's Advice Is Useless

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Percy POV

"Never going swimming again-" Nico got cut off by a shark grabbing at his pant leg. He shrieked "PERCY!" As he went under the water again.

"Knock it off, Cliff."

The shark swam off. "That thing has a name?"

I looked at him, offended, "Of course he has a name."

"Guys!" Grover brought us out of our discussion, "Coast Guard!" He bleated.

I quickly handed Grover my shoes; better to have the lifeguard wondering why one kid was barefoot then wonder why one has hooves. Then I willed myself to become wet.

The boat arrived and brought us to shore, and we dragged ourselves on the beach. "What now?"

"We need to find my sister." Nico told Grover, "And Annabeth." he added as an afterthought.

As much as I wanted to stomp straight to The Underworld and demand my friends and my mom back, I knew there were more urgent matters. "We need to deal with the actual god who turned first." I lightly grabbed Nicos shoulder to calm him, "The first chance we get to save them, we'll get an army and march down there like there's no tomorrow. But until then..."

I looked to see buildings burning from an earthquake; Hades had done this.

"The Prophecy was right. Your sister should be protecting Annabeth from Hades rage, and in the meantime I'm starting a war because I'm Poseidon's kid. And I 'stole' The Master Bolt."

"But who would be that sneaky?" Grover asked, "Who would want war that bad?"

"Gee, let me think." Then I glanced down to the beach to see none other than the traitorous god himself.


He hopped off his motorbike and stood with a cocky demeanour, and I could see the fire in his eyes were overcrowding them. "Hey kid," he looked excited for me to be there, "You were supposed to die."

"You stole The Helm and The Master Bolt." I accused.

"Well now," he wagged his forefinger, "I didn't steal them personally. But you're not the only demigod who can run errands." I went to ask if it was Clarisse, but thought better of it. After all, if I judged her for her father, then that would be just as bad as judging Nico for his. "Your impending the war effort."

Nico answered why for me, "If my- if Hades kills you, your father gets angry at him, If Poseidon doesn't admit to stealing the bolt, Zeus will get angry at him..."

"And if Corpse Breath has the bolt, there would be a three sided massacre." Ares said smugly.  He pulled a ski mask off the handles of his bike, "Oh and of course, Corpse Breath is still looking for this..." The mask transformed into The Helm of Darkness. "And he'll be mad at both of his brothers 'cause he won't know who took it."

"You said Ares gave you that pack?" Nico asked me, and I nodded, "Well The Master Bolt- in some way- was in there the whole time. It just appeared when you came close to the fortress." Nico looked at Ares questioningly, "What I don't understand is why not keep it? You're one of the best fighters on the council yet you decide to give the most powerful weapon away to Hades, nearly ensuring his victory? That can't be very smart."

The war god went in a daze for a moment, murmuring under his breath. I couldn't make out but he seemed mesmerised, going "With that much firepower I coulda... I didn't want the trouble." He said confidently.

"You're lying." I said. "Stealing the bolt wasn't your idea. You just found the perpetrator, and they convinced you to pass it off to me."

"I am the God of War!" He screamed, the flames in his eyes jumping dangerously high, "I take orders from no one! I don't have dreams!"

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