Do you like Percabeth?

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Bianca POV

I woke to my head throbbing violently. "Ugh..." I put my palm to my forehead. I shifted in my spot on... Where am I? I (Being more alert now) cracked an eye open to see what I assumed was a bedroom, but it was no normal one. It looked huge, and most of the built in parts were fancy and rich. But that's where the pattern ended.

The room was quite minimalized, filled with various, albeit blurry, decorations. It wasn't flaunted, like how Annabeth would put her A+ tests on the walls, or how Nico had his Mythomagic statues placed on his bedside. It was just stuff that had been put to make floor space. Little things that probably had lots of sentimental value, rather than materialistic.

Piper's room.

I heard someone rushing through a door to my right, so I turned to find the one and only Piper Mclean holding a container of ambrosia and a thermos of nectar (We had given this to her just before her departure in September). She was wearing a camp tee-shirt, overlapped with a black leather jacket and her now longer brunette hair. The sweats she wore were almost black with a tinge of purple.

"You should know, you brothers and sisters would have a heart attack if they knew you were related to them and were wearing that." I put sarcastic emphasis on the end.

She turned quickly to my voice. "You're awake! Thank the gods."

I cocked an eyebrow, "Why are you thanking them? They're probably the reason I'm like this in the first place-" A thunder commenced outside, "-Kidding, kidding."

She saw me looking out the window for the sun, "It's about noon."

"NOON?" I shot up out of the bed, quickly took the ambrosia to please the other girl in the room, and started to leave with Piper on my tail. "Tantalus is gonna find out I was gone, Nico's gonna get in trouble-"

Piper grabbed my shoulder, turning me. "I have my things ready. Just give yourself a minute, Nico can last that long." I reluctantly took a seat on her bed again.

I looked around her room, where there was a bookshelf filled with what I assumed were history books. "Are you into history?" I called to her, where she stood in her large closet, gathering her bag.

She stopped in her movements. "My father is. I got it from him, I guess. Why?" she asked tentatively.

"Well... Nevermind." I wanted to ask about what I had missed in the last 70 years. The war. She poked her head out questioningly.

I had spoken with Annabeth, quite recently actually (We had only just gotten on speaking terms). There had been a tense conversation about the war. It had been a brief discussion. If he was my brother... It was no wonder everyone expected me to kill them in their sleep. I shuddered involuntarily.

"I would have been put in the hotel in 1939." I gazed out the window.

Piper stepped out of the closet, bag in hand. "Then you were lucky. You missed most of-"

"The war." I finished. I took a breath, "Did you know that most events in mortal history mirror events on the Greeks side?" She shook her head slowly, "Yeah well... World War Two was a fight between the children of Zeus and Poseidon versus my siblings." I shook my head and looked to the floor. "Guess which side they were on?"

Piper paused for a moment, then looked at me in pity. "You aren't like them." She knelt in front of me, her bags forgotten, and lifted my head to match her gaze. "You never will be."

I vaguely registered a tear threatening to escape, but it never fell. "He was my brother. Him." She didn't need to ask to know who I was talking about.

She hugged me, and we just kind of sat there for a moment. I probably needed it. "We should get going." I said finally, pulling away. She nodded, and we both gathered her things, before I closed her blinds, preparing to leave. Unlike Percy, We had IM'd Piper to let her know we were coming and why. I stood, linked my arms with Pipers, and focused on the shadows.

"Eek!" Conner screeched from behind us. "You need to stop doing that, my gods."

I turned and sent a glare at him. Chiron trotted over with Tantalus and Dionysus in tow. "Why is there another half-blood here?" Tantalus asked angrily.

"Oh, well I went retrieve Piper, since we're going to need all the support we can get now that the camp borders are weakened. Wouldn't you want the camp to be safe?" I could tell Chiron secretly knew that we had planned this from the start, but the other two bought it.

We went over to Cabin 11, with Pipers bag shrugged over her shoulder. "How's Annabeth?"

I raised my eyebrows. It was a bold question, considering how we had been acting when she left. "Our relationship... is questionable at best. We don't talk much anymore. I get most of my info from Nico."

"Info?" Piper said, smirking.

I cocked an eyebrow. "Don't you be getting any ideas. I know she still has nightmares." That was probably why our friendship was rocky at best.

Piper pursed her lips, considering something, at least that's what it looked like. "Percy has a crush on her."

I sputtered, "Why does that matter?"

She shrugged. "Nothing, really. Do you think they would go well together? As a couple?"

I thought about it. It wasn't like I hadn't thought of it, it was just that whenever I did, there would be some part of me that would say no! Which was stupid. I mean, they were perfect for each other in a sense. They were opposites. But I still found the idea of them kissing and such really disturbing for whatever reason. Not like I should judge, I argued to myself, it's not like it affects me.

"Yeah, sure. Great couple." We were already at the cabin. I must have been lost in my own world for a while.

Piper smirked as if I had confirmed something for her. "Alright. Well I'll just put my bag down here-" she threw her bag at a various corner, "-and pray the Stolls keep their oath to not pickpocket. Now, we should get going. Don't wanna keep Percabeth waiting." She winked, and walked out, leaving me standing in the cabin, wondering what had just happened.

I know, I know. Bianca being able to use Umbrakinisis to get from coast to coast seems pretty OP for only the second act. But the way I see it she's not only favoured by her father, and would probably have more shadow power there, but is also nearing the same age as Nico was in BoO.  ALSO (Something to look forward to),  Piper will be the POV of next chapter! Have a good day!

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