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So if you have made it to this point, I thank you either for holding out patience as the chapters release, or for not immediately leaving (If your from the future and are reading this as its complete, and if so, hi!)

This act will contain the timeline, or at least similar to the timeline for The Sea Of Monsters.

I have thought long and hard about this (as I have written up to here on the day I released Monster? More Often Than Not) and have decided to add Piper as a POV. She's an important character, and she deserves her perspective.

This act will contain a lot more Percico content, so if that's why you're here, brace yourself. Biancabeth will play a role, (as always) but the type of content will change, in the idea it's gonna be a bit more angsty. Your daily dose of fluff will come from Percy's POV.

I have also been debating who I want with Piper as an endgame. Jiper? Pipeyna? Something else? I was originally going to do Piper/Reyna but I know some people view her as an Asexual character who isn't necessarily Aromantic, but joined the Hunters, and I don't want to botch that for you. Lemme know. (And yes, in case you were wondering, this is slight foreshadowing)

Also, any specific sexuality that a character should be that fits in with these ships? Everyone else is kinda up in the air. SO far, I've been thinking this:

Bianca - Lesbian

Nico - Gay

Annabeth - Omnisexual (I will 100% admit I chose this for her because this is what I secretly identfy as, though I publicly identify as Bi. Idc to admit this on here because ANONUMITY)

Percy - Bisexual

Piper - Lesbian (Ik some of ya'll are gonna be like 'what about Jason?' but I feel like that was partially the mist, and partially hetoronormacy)

Reyna - Demisexual (This is like the perfect explanation as to why her and Jason never really worked out imo, cause she thought she didn't find him attractive or whatever and didn't understand her sexuality)

Jason - BISEXUAL (idc what you say but he totally had a crush on Nico)

Everyone Else - No idea, bear with me here haha

This Fic is becoming my favourite thing to do in my free time, so believe me when I say that I will be keeping with it.

I guess that's it for this transition chapter. I'll probably do one for every act. As always, have a good day!

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