The Island Of Cute Girls (Just One But...)

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Piper POV

Have you ever watched those movies where the main character's, I don't know, super yacht sinks, and they miraculously find a peaceful island where they get in touch with the animals and start questioning their existence?

Well, that, uh, kind of happened.

The boat flipped, and I was able to hold myself above the water for air. The same could not be said for my friends. Annabeth struggled far more than I did, but I was able to help her find a handhold soon after me. She somehow still had her bag hooked to her back.

Bianca was a whole other story.

Remember how Annabeth said that going on a boat as a child of Hades or Zeus was a big no-no? Case and point: the Daughter of Hades nearly drowned as the current seemed to naturally pull her down. We had to physically combine our efforts to pull her out.

Soon realizing that trying to flip the boat was a futile effort, we just searched for a safety raft. Eventually, we found one under the floor, (read: I found one. The other two had a much shakier relationship with the water).

We got it going, and next thing I knew we were drifting into the endless sea.

I eventually told them to get some more sleep, because they had spent the last hour swimming around, and Bianca obliged. Annabeth gave me the chance to sleep instead, arguing that I had done the most work underwater.

I slept for what could have been 10 minutes before Annabeth woke us, pointing out and island. However, this island wasn't just any other stranded tropic.

It looked to be a resort, almost, with people milling about. "We could check it out." Bianca said, and Annabeth nodded along, "I mean, there could be resources on it."

I argued, "there could be monsters too."

"Then that's a chance we'll have to take." Annabeth said.

I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to win this. I agreed on one condition- I would hide under the sopping remains of our outerwear (sweaters, jackets) so if things went wrong you had someone on the outside.

They looked at me like I was the weird one. It didn't matter to me. This place creeped me out.

I situated myself under the smelly clothes (the sacrifices you have to make for being a mom friend!) And watched as the two girls stumbled out onto solid ground. After a moment, a girl walked up to them quickly.

She carried a clipboard and pen, and wore a blue, fancy, uniform, much like the rest of the people on the island. Her hair was dark, and she was a Latina, so very cute (not that it mattered or anything). She looked to be about my age.

"New arrivals!" She said in a peppy tone, "Is this your first time at the spa?" The questers glanced at each other questioningly.

"First time at the spa, then." She scribbled on her clipboard, which gave me the chance to look around more. The docks seemed to be filled with odd vessels for just being a 'normal spa', such as anywhere from a pirate ship to deflated safety rafts (Which made me feel so much better about hiding in one).

Eventually the girl led them away, and so I decided to get some upfront presentation to this spa. I clambered out and hunched down behind a building. It seemed that some of the people that were working were all under some kind of... spell. I trailed far behind Bianca and Annabeth, until they went their separate ways. I decided to deal with Bianca's likely kidnapping first, seeing as she had the advantage of her Underworld powers.

I also didn't think she would be as susceptible to whatever was going on. As I stalked behind her, I noticed how she seemed far more shifty, which lined up with how my charmspeak was more effective on Annabeth than her.

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