That Was A Gay Panic- That Is Not...

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Piper POV

If I had to choose one good thing that came out of the event, it was that Bianca had (Intentionally or unintentionally) collapsed the cave where the sheep were.

The Golden Fleece was blanketed over Annabeth's body primarily. I was no doctor, but her forearm didn't look exactly... Solid when we had checked her originally. Thank the gods, there was a pulse, but I knew even with the Fleece it would take days to heal something like that. The bone was shattered. It might seem cool sounding, but believe me when me and my fellow 12 year old friend say that it was something you never wanted to see.

Originally, I had been scared to touch Bianca.

Stupid, I know, but I had an irrational fear that I would get sucked into Hades or burst into flames if I touched her. We eventually dragged her over to Annabeth's position, so she got partially powerful healing from it.

You may ask- Why not just get the boat, get a raft or something, then bring them on the yacht?

Well, my intelligent friend, you should know that those things need fuel. We hadn't told the two unconscious people in the room about it, but the boat was running on empty. It was a miracle it made it here at all.

Essentially, we were stuck until Bianca woke up to shadow us out of here.

Me and Reyna had talked a bit, and she was obviously being evasive. She said she had come from the east, and that she was an unclaimed demigod. I would buy it, but she seemed a bit irked at how I used the gods names sometimes, although I don't know why.

It was about 3 or 4 hours of sleeping in shifts when I heard the mumbling of someone's voice. It was raspy, but it was Bianca. "Don't..." I moved to wake her but hesitated. What if she was crazy or something now? "...Her..." Her forehead was sweating, but I was frozen for some reason, in an internal debate. "...Don't, Don't, Hurt..."

I reached forward- I was voluntarily hurting her- when a hand stopped me. Reyna. I gave her a look, but she was staring intently at Bianca, who was still shaking. "Luke..." I shoved past the hand and shook Bianca until her eyes opened frantically. They were normal again, as a dark brown, thank Hades. "What- where-"

"Your fine. Just... Overexerted yourself." I reassured.

She paused, taking a few deep breaths before becoming aware of her surroundings. Her head snapped to the side, and she instantly put her head on Annabeth's chest where her heartbeat was, and after a few moments, sighed in relief. "You're alive." Bianca whispered into Annabeths collarbone, "I- I'm sorry about Luke. I'm sorry for pushing you away this year. I'm sorry for denying... for denying..." She then seemed to remember that she was talking to someone who couldn't hear her, and that we could. She sat up. "What happened?" The brunette asked fearfully.

I explained most of what happened. I kept the details in; no point in lying. She would find out somehow regardless. It took a while, but it gave Bianca time to wake up.

"...Then you woke up and had your little gay panic. Fin." Bianca scoffed, and looked ready to argue. That is, until we heard the groans of the girl under the Fleece. It shut us up quite effectively.

Bianca scrambled to move and see if she was okay. "Ann?"

The girl's eyes peeled open. "Bi-" She grunted, apparently realizing her arm was not okay. "Jesus."

Bianca chuckled, "Wrong godly being."

Annabeth scoffed. "Stop being a smartass."

I cut in. Hated to ruin the moment, but there were things to do, places to be, things to send to Tartarus. "We need to get moving. We were waiting on you two."

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