you wake her for cuddles

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The feeling of Minnie's warm arms unwrapping from around you as she rolled away from you made your eyes open again.

You've had a rough time trying to fall asleep tonight and you were finally almost sound asleep. But the feeling of her letting go caused a rush of cool air to run along your shoulder blades.

You didn't want to move because you finally felt so sleepy. You tried to make yourself a little more comfortable by covering up with the blanket a little more.

It was nothing compared to your warm girlfriend's arms but you thought it'd get you through the night.

But you knew it wasn't going to be enough. It's always so hard to sleep when she's not onto you.

You don't feel as warm or as secure. It's a feeling that only she can give you as you listen to every beat of her heart or let her soft breaths help you drift off to sleep.

You opened your eyes with a small groan and turned over to face her. She wasn't far away from you. You could hear her breathing and you listened closely as they fell from her sweet lips.

You hated waking her but you knew the sooner you did, the sooner you'd both get to sleep.

So you brushed your hand along her back and whispered her name softly.

She opened her eyes a moment later, whining a little when she just noticed the darkness.

It meant that it wasn't morning yet. She has an early one ahead but not until the sun is up. She didn't plan on waking up before then.

She didn't want to be grumpy or brush you off just in case it was something important you were waking her for.

But she was exhausted and she closed her heavy eyes once more without a second thought.

"What is it, baby?"

"I'm sorry to wake you, Minnie. I know you need your sleep and you've got an early morning ahead but I've been struggling to sleep. I was just about to fall asleep when you moved away. I'm kinda cold now and,"

"You want me to hold you again?" She finished for you and chuckled when you quietly said, "yes."

"Okay. Come here." She said with a sleepy smile on her face, her arms quickly opening wide for you to roll into.

You happily did and instantly put your head on her chest, your ear right over her heart.

"Are you okay now?"

"Yeah." You mumbled as you felt cozy once again as she put her arms tight around you. "I always feel better when you're holding me."

"I always feel better when I get to hold you." She said as she brushed her fingers through your hair, yawning a second later before she said, "I'm sorry you're having trouble sleeping. What time is it?"

"Almost two in the morning."

"I got a few hours still. Anything you need?"

"No. I've got everything I need now."

She kissed your head lingeringly and then brushed her hand along your back as you drifted off to sleep in her arms.

She fought the sleep she craved, just so she could make sure you were sleeping soundly before she gave in.

She made sure you were covered up and kissed your head once more before laying her head back down on her pillow and closing her eyes.

She knew she had a few good hours of sleep ahead herself since she knew you were safe and sound in her arms again.

Minnie Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now