she yells at you when you're sick (requested)

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You couldn't help the groan that fell from your lips as you crawled back into bed.

Your stomach was still turning and you were shivering as heads of sweat appeared on your forehead.

You woke up about an hour and a half ago to an empty bed, which, at first, you were relieved about because you felt sick to your stomach.

You ended up rushing into the bathroom and throwing up a few minutes ago and even though you hoped you'd feel better after, you only feel worse now that you're curled up under the blankets.

Not to mention, you feel lonely and slightly anxious since you're sick.

In need of Minnie, you reached for your phone and gave her a call.

You know she's busy in the studio with the girls but she's told you in the past that if you ever need her for any reason, even when she's busy, all you have to do is call.

So you did.

A few times in a row, despite only reaching her voicemail time and time again.

"Minnie, please, answer." You said over her voicemail. "I need you."

You were losing your energy and felt cold as you continued to shiver.

So you decided to give her phone a break and close your eyes for a few minutes.

But just as you were about to drift off to sleep a few minutes later, the front door slammed shut and startled you awake.

"Minnie?" You weakly called out as you jumped up.

She appeared in the room a moment later and leaned against the door as she folded her arms over her chest.

The relief you'd felt about her being home faded away as soon as you saw the look of anger in her eyes.

"Minnie, what is it?"

"What is your problem!? You called me six times in a row? In less than five minutes?"

You were surprised that she was so upset with you.

"I'm busy in the studio. I have things to do. Why can't you understand that I need to stay focused and can't be bothered by you all the time!?" She yelled.


"No! No but's. I have a lot going on and I can't afford to get distracted because you call me every five seconds. It's annoying!"

Suddenly, as she spoke, your stomach flipped again.

"Why did you call me so much? What could possibly be so important?"

As soon as she asked that, you got out of bed and hurried into the bathroom to kneel in front of the toilet to vomit once again.

"Baby?" Minnie said as she stood in the doorway.

Her eyes went wide when she saw you throwing up.

Her angel faded as she rushed to you and knelt behind you, feeling guilt and sadness flood over her as she sat there holding your hair back while vomiting.

"How long have you been sick for?"

You sniffled and flushed the toilet before standing up and going to the sink.

"What do you care? You're angry with me, remember?"

You finished brushing your teeth and rinsed out your mouth before going into the bedroom with Minnie following behind you.

"I'm not angry with you."

"Really? You sure seemed like it." You said as you got back into bed.

"I'm just stressed and under so much pressure at the moment. It's no excuse but I was just frustrated. I'm sorry I took it out on you."

You wordlessly nodded your head as you closed your tired eyes.

She wordlessly crawled under the covers beside you.

You turned away from her, turning into your back.

But that didn't deter Minnie.

She just gently wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close as you tried to fall asleep.

"You're lucky I'm not making you sleep on the couch."

"I'd deserve it." She whispered as she kissed your warm cheek. "You're burning up." She said as she brushed her hand across your forehead.

"I feel awful."

"I'm sorry, darling. I'm so sorry. You know I love you, right? And I didn't mean anything I said."


"I promise." She said as she kissed your head. "I'm not going back to work today. I'm staying right here to take care of you."

"I'd like that." You said as you began to fall asleep.

"I love you. I hope you feel better soon."

"I love you too." You mumbled as you drifted off to sleep, feeling a little better now that she was there with you.

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