cold CEO!Minnie is only soft when it comes to you (requested)

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You knocked on the door of your CEO's office, hoping that you weren't interrupting what was happening inside.

"Come in!"

You opened the door and saw one of your coworkers inside already and you closed the door behind you as your CEO began to talk to them once more.

"I need this done ASAP. It better be on my desk in the next three hours."

"Three hours? But I have other reports to do."

"I know. Those are the same reports I've been waiting on for the last couple of days that you've been slacking off on. So how about this? All those reports better be finished along with this in the next three hours or you can find somewhere else to work. Understood?"

You could see the anger in her eyes as she spoke to your coworker.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now get out of my face."

You watched your coworker hurry to the door before walking out and closing it behind her.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I did. Tell me, how are those tasks I gave you coming along?"

"Pretty well. I'm almost finished. I have about ten minutes left of work done and then I'll be finished."

She looked at the clock and then back at you with a smile.

"That'll make you an hour early. You work very hard. Maybe a little too hard, hm? Why don't you come here?"

You looked to make sure that all the shades were down on the windows that faced your coworkers in the office and once you saw that no one could see what was happening in the room, you made your way over to Minnie and let her pull you onto her lap.

"Thank gosh I have one good worker here. I swear, your coworkers make me want to bang my head against a wall. They slack off and have bad attitudes. If I didn't have you, I think I'd lose my head."

You put your arms around her neck before kissing her lips.

"I know. They're annoying. We work in an office but sometimes it feels as though I'm in a classroom with these clowns."

She laughed before kissing you again.

And this time, her fingers began to trail along your thigh and inched towards the hem of your skirt as you kissed, and you moaned softly against her lips in response.

"You're so sexy." She whispered as she pulled away to kiss your neck.

"Really? Because I hate the outfits we have to wear here. Skirts, dressy shirts, and keeping my hair up have never been my thing."

She laughed against your skin.

"I think you look good. Very good."

You hummed and let her kiss your skin.

But the moment was ruined as a beeping sound was heard.

Minnie groaned and looked at her watch.

"I have a meeting soon. Sometimes I don't think I'll survive them, they're so boring."

"I'm sorry, my love."

"It's just part of my job." She sighed. "At least I have you. You're my safe place, especially through this chaos and stress."

You gently caressed her cheek and she leaned into your touch, only for you both to jump when a knock came from the door.

You jumped off of her lap and grabbed a few random papers as you hurried to the chair on the other side of her desk, where a normal employee would sit if they weren't dating their CEO.

"What?" She called out before the door opened.

"Miss? You have a meeting in ten minutes."

"I know this. I set my watch and my phone for it so I won't be late. You're not my assistant, you're an employee and you should be doing your job rather than reminding me of things I already know!" Minnie lectured and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"I was just trying to be nice because I noticed the time-"

"Let me stop you right there." Minnie interrupted. "You don't need to be nice to me. I am your CEO. I am not your friend. I am not your girlfriend. You are an employee and one who is getting on my last nerve. I don't want you to be nice or to kiss up to me. I ask for you to be respectful to your coworkers and to do your job. Which you should be doing now rather than standing here bothering me!" She angrily spoke. "Get back to work!"

"Okay. Sorry."

But before she stepped out, she looked at you and spoke again.

"Are those lipstick marks on your neck? And why is your skirt pushed up so far?"

"I told you to get back to work, not bother your coworkers!" Minnie said as she stepped in.

"But, Miss, she could be doing inappropriate things here at the office with some other employee."

"That's not your business. I'll talk to her about it but it's not your place. Now, for the last time, get back to work!"

Your coworker hurried out and you peeked out the blinds to make sure she was walking away before you turned to Minnie.

"Thank you for standing up for me."

"You're welcome. No one here is going to bother my girl." Minnie assured.

"I don't think my coworkers like me much. Now she's going to be bitchy with me, probably."

"If she does, you tell me right away and I'll take care of it. I'd fire her before I let anything happen to you."

"Thank you, baby."

"You're my girl and the only thing that keeps me from going insane. I love you."

"I love you too." You smiled and kissed her again, only to hear her alarm on her phone. "You're going to be late."

"I just want to say fuck the meeting and make out with you instead." She whined.

"Yeah, but I have to get back to work too. Or else I could be lectured by the CEO." You joked and watched her bite her lip. "Although, I find it kinda hot when you do that so, maybe, that wouldn't be so bad."

"Very cute." She laughed. "Go finish your work. I'm going to this meeting and hopefully, I'll come back with all the hair in my head that I have now and I don't rip it all out there."

You giggled.

"I love you."

"I love you more. And, by the way, that makeout that we were sharing earlier is so not over. Once work is over, it's my place or yours and we're going to pick up where we left off."

"I look forward to it." You winked and then wiped the lipstick from your skin and fixed your skirt before opening the door.

And you smirked to yourself, knowing that she was watching you with every step you took.

You're so smitten and you know she's just as smitten for you and you feel like the luckiest and happiest girl in the world.

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