you're drunk and don't recognize her (requested)

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The sound of Minnie's phone ringing from beside her on the mattress made her eyes open.

She looked around and quickly realized she must've fallen asleep while she waited for you to arrive home from being out with your friends tonight.

She knew you weren't home just yet, as your side of the bed was still empty and cold and your friend was calling her.

Reaching for her phone, she answered it with a tired voice before letting out a quiet yawn.


"Minnie, hi! Is there any way that you can come and pick up y/n? She's had a lot to drink already."

She looked at the clock and saw that it was a little after one.

You planned to be out with your friends until about two or three, so she knew you must be very drunk if your friends are already calling for her to come and pick you up.

"Yeah, of course. Is she okay?"

"She's fine, she just needs to get home."

Minnie grabbed her keys and her wallet before slipping her shoes and hoodie on.

"Okay. I'm on my way." She said and after your friend breathed out a sigh of relief and thanked her, she ended the call and headed out the door to her car and down to the club.

She pulled up about ten minutes later and she saw that your friends were trying to get you out the door and to the car.

She got out, closing the door behind her, and after a couple of cars passed by she rushed to you.

"I want more to drink."

"You don't need more to drink, y/n. You're already drunk." One of your friends said.

"You're already going to have one hell of a hangover." Your other friend, the one that called Minnie, said.

"Thank you for coming, Minnie. I know you had a long and busy day and we were supposed to take an uber together to drop her off but we're not ready to call it a night just yet because we have been more focused on keeping an eye on her instead of letting loose." Your friend explained.

"Of course. Just be safe." Minnie smiled before looking at you.

Tilting her head, a sweet smile tugged at her lips when your eyes met.

"Hey, pretty girl." Minnie smiled.

You hummed before grinning.

"You're the pretty one." You slurred.

Minnie shook her head with a big smile on her face.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah," she laughed, furrowing her eyebrows. "You, silly!"

"Oh. Me." You said, putting the pieces together. "Really?"

She nodded and your friends did the same as you looked at them, as if you couldn't believe her.

They all laughed together as Minnie reached out for you.

"Wow. You're my girlfriend? I'm lucky."

"And so drunk that you don't even recognize me as your girlfriend?" She teased as she put her arms around you, trying to help you to the car.

"I'm not that drunk."

She shook her head once more, completely amused by that little lie.

You were drunk, drunker than she's ever seen you before.

"Did you get carried away?" She asked as she opened the car door.

"A little. It was fun. We should go have a drink together, get to know each other more." You suggested and smirked as you stroked her cheek.

Minnie laughed in response.

"Baby, we know everything about each other. We've been dating for a year." She reminded you with a giggle. "We need to get you home."

"Okay," you said, eyebrows raised in amusement, a smirk tugging at your lips.

"Oh, hush, darling," She said as she playfully rolled her eyes.

"You're so beautiful." You sighed as you stared into her eyes before groaning.

"Feeling sick?"

You nodded slowly.

"Figures, you had a lot to drink. I'll get home and take care of you."

"I am the luckiest girl in the world." You slurred and titled your head back.

She just kissed your forehead before getting into the driver's seat a moment later.

She started the car and waved goodbye to your friends, rolling the window down to thank them for calling once more.

"I might get sick in the car. That's okay, right?" You hummed as you kept your eyes closed.

"I'd prefer if you don't." She replied with a chuckle. "This should be a fun night. But tomorrow will be much better because I'm going to tease you for this."

You didn't seem to hear her as you were already beginning to fall asleep.

But that was alright with her because you needed as much sleep as you could get right now.

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