she's clingy but you're studying (requested)

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"Hey, baby," Minnie smiled as she put her hands on your shoulders. "Is there anything I can get you? Water? A snack?"

"No, thanks, baby. I'm okay." You said as you continued to stare at everything on the table in front of you.

Minnie nodded as she brushed her fingers across your shoulders.

You're studying hard for your college exams that are approaching fast.

Minnie knew you needed to stay focused but another glance at the clock told her that it was getting late - very late.

And you're still sitting at your desk, focused and studying.

She put her arms around you and put her chin on your shoulder, only to lift it so she could give you kisses on your skin.

"Minnie?" You said a moment later.

"Yes, my love?"

"I'm studying."

"I know." She said as she kissed your neck. "But I spent all day at practice. Also, it's after eleven. We should go to bed soon."

"I think I'm going to pull an all-nighter. I have to study."

"No, baby, don't do that. You need sleep." She whined. "Come on, call it a night and cuddle with me."

"I can't."

"Please," She whined.

"Okay, okay. Tell you what? Give me five minutes and I'll take a break and we can cuddle for a few." You said.

She smiled before kissing your shoulder softly and going over to the bed.

She sat down and looked at the clock, waiting impatiently for the five minutes to go by.

They went by but you were still studying.

Another five minutes went by but you were still studying.

And after another five minutes went by, she got up and returned to your side with another whine.

"Yes, baby?" You asked as she put her arms around you again.

"It's been fifteen minutes." She pouted.

"What?" You asked as you looked at the clock. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Come cuddle with me? You need a break."

You agreed and got up from your chair before curling up in bed in her arms.

Minnie stared into your eyes and caressed your cheek.

You looked so tired, so worn out.

She could tell that mentally and physically, you were exhausted.

She knows the feeling all too well and you're always there to care for her, so she wanted to care for you tonight.

"You should sleep."

"I need to study more." You mumbled as your eyes slipped shut.

"Shh." She whispered and you slipped into a light slumber a moment later.

You awoke when Minnie unwrapped her arms from around you.

She got up to close your books after being sure to mark your pages for you and she put everything away so it wouldn't get ruined somehow.

"No, Minnie, I have to get back to work." You said as you started to get out of bed.

"You need to get some rest. Please, baby. You can study more tomorrow. Just let me hold you for the rest of the night, give me more cuddles." She said as she turned the lights off and laid down beside you again.

You couldn't say no to her.

Especially since you were so exhausted and her embrace was so warm and comforting.

"Okay. Whatever my clingy girl wants." You teased as you put your head on her chest.

She covered you up as she giggled happily and then kissed your head lovingly.

"Sleep tight and have sweet dreams. I love you very much."

"I love you too." You said as you fell asleep.

Minnie Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now