you get sick at a party (requested)

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"Hey, have any of you seen Y/N anywhere?" Minnie asked as she approached some of your friends in the crowded room.

"Yeah, actually, I did. She went down that hallway over there to the bathroom a minute or two ago." One of them said.

"Thank you," Minnie said with a breath of relief falling from her lips.

She walked down the hallway that your friend had nodded to and took a few steps until she reached the bathroom.

She reached her hand up to knock on the door and gave it a light tap.

"Baby, it's me."

"Come in." You groaned.

Minnie opened the door and found you sitting on the bathroom floor with your head hung over the toilet and your hand in your hair to hold it back.

"Oh, baby, what's the matter?" She asked as she came over to sit beside you.

"I've been throwing up for the last couple of minutes. I feel sick to my stomach."

Before Minnie could say a word, you began to throw up again.

This time though, you didn't have to go through it alone.

Minnie gently grabbed your hair from your hand and held it back in hers while using her other hand to rub your back comfortingly.

"It's okay, baby. Let it out. I'm here." She soothed as you vomited.

It broke her heart to hear you in such agony but she preferred it over you going through this on your own, which is why she stayed by your side the entire time.

A few minutes went by before you leaned back against Minnie, out of breath and energy.

"Did you have too much to drink, baby? Or do you think you're coming down with something?"

"I don't know." You spoke before wiping your forearm across your forehead. "I'm hot though."

She felt your forehead to find that you felt warm and clammy.

"I know you're enjoying yourself at this party but can we please go home? I just want to lay down in bed and sleep."

"Of course, baby. You know you come first, no matter what." She said.

And as you stood up, you clutched onto her as a dizzy sensation rushed over you.

"I feel dizzy."

"Okay, it's okay." She said as she held you securely. "I've got you."

You put your forehead on her shoulder and groaned as your stomach started to turn again.

"I'm going to be sick again."

"Right now?"

You shook your head.

"Not yet, but soon. Can we just go, please?"

"Absolutely, my love. Come on." She said before leading you out of the bathroom.

She walked up to your friends and explained the situation to them, which they were sympathetic about.

After, she helped you put your jacket on and then put hers on too before grabbing your things and leading you out to the car.

"I haven't felt this sick in so long." You mumbled. "I feel like crap."

"I know you do, baby. Don't worry, we're going home. You can rest and take it easy for a few days until you feel better."

You weakly nodded your head and closed your tired eyes before placing your head back against the seat.

"Let's get you home." She said as she started the car.

But before she started to drive, she leaned over and kissed your warm cheek.

You opened your heavy eyes and cracked a small smile at her as she caressed your forehead softly.

"I'll take care of you until you feel better. I promise."

"I know, baby. Thank you." You said as you closed your eyes once more. "Now, we should get home before I get sick in the car."

"You've got it, baby." She spoke before driving home, wanting to get you there and up to bed as quickly as possible.

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