confessing your feelings for each other (requested)

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"Why don't you stop staring at her already and tell her that you like her?" Miyeon asked Minnie as she caught her friend watching you from across the room.

Minnie couldn't even take her eyes off of you.

She's so mesmerized by you as she watches you chat with Soyeon and Soojin about whatever it is that they've been talking your ear off about, your smile so bright and so beautiful that it left Minnie in awe.

"I'm so nervous about talking to her about my crush on her. How would I even approach the subject?" Minnie asked as she looked to her friend for some serious advice.

"Pull her aside. Take her up to your dorm room and have an honest conversation about your feelings for her. I'm telling you - I know you're nervous but you shouldn't be because she has a big crush on you too." Miyeon said.

Minnie looked back over at you and took a deep breath, feeling like now was the best time for her to take her friend's advice and take a chance on confessing to you.

Putting her mug down on the counter, she walked over to you and started to speak.

"Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Privately, if you don't mind."

Soyeon and Soojin knew what was about to happen so they just grinned at each other for a second before they mouthed to Miyeon,

"Good luck."

"Thank you." She mouthed back to them as she followed you up the stairs to her room.

She closed the door behind you as you took a seat on her bed.

"What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Well," She said as she sat down beside you. "We need to have an honest conversation. I need you to be truthful with me the way I'm going to be truthful to you."

"Okay, no problem. Just tell me what about."

She took a deep breath as the words formed on the tip of her tongue, heart pounding against her chest.

She didn't want to somehow ruin the strong friendship that you have by confessing to you but she also knows that the girls wouldn't lie to her about the way they constantly tell her that you feel the same for her that she does about you.

So, as nervous as she was, she spoke the words on her lips.

"I like you. Not just as a friend but more than that."

"You do?" You asked with a look of surprise on your face.

"I, um," She paused as her nerves started to get the better of her. "Yeah. I like you a lot."

You looked into her eyes in silence and Minnie soon began to grow worried over the way that you hadn't spoken again.

"If you don't feel the same, I understand. But just tell me, please."

You shook your head with a smile before grabbing her hands in yours.

"Minnie, how could I not feel the same? I'm head over heels for you."

Your confession brought a bright smile to her face.

"You are? You mean it?"

"Of course I do." You chuckled. "You're beautiful, funny, charming, romantic - how could I not be head over heels for you? You're perfect."

She squeezed your hands a couple of times, bringing a smile to your face.

"You're the amazing one." She said.

You looked away from her eyes and down to her lips before looking back into her eyes.

"Please tell me that you want to kiss me as badly as I want to kiss you." You whispered and a second later, she began to lean in.

"More than anything." She said before her lips touched yours.

Dropping her hand, you put your arms around her neck while she put hers around your back and pulled you closer.

"You're mine now?" She asked as she slowly pulled away from your lips.

"I've always been yours." You said as you brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "But yes, all yours, Minnie."

"Good." She said as she gently laid her hand on your cheek. "Because I'm all yours too, baby. Always."

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