Chapter 12

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As usual, Liam was taking an energizer at his lunch break, but this time he was in the school garden. Not only was there a nice breeze, but the green view was also a pleasure. When Liam was sitting on that tree, his friends generally didn't bother him, unless it was necessary, and it was obvious that he wanted to be alone.

He needed this break time to unpack and put his thoughts in order. An energizer, a sandwich, and a comic did wonders. Most of his classmates were out doing other things, so his little place in that corner of the garden was just for him. So when he suddenly heard a voice, he jumped into his place, he didn't expect company.


Liam looked up, covering his eyes with his hand, but the curly face was darkened by the sun. He knew that he was his friend anyway. Harry sat across from him and lit a cigarette, offering him one. They were not allowed to smoke, logically, but they always found a way not to be discovered.

He let out a small sigh, rolling his eyes. “Of course you can sit down." Liam said quietly and went back to his comic.

Harry laughed at the sarcasm, and smiled denying. “How are you?”

Liam looked up, and smiled mischievously at him. "Traumatised."

Harry frowned as he took another puff on his cigarette. "Traumatised? why?”

Liam laughed, and looked back at his comic. "For nothing." He kicked him in the leg with force, and Harry yelled an "Aahh" exaggerated.

"Liam, what the fuck?”

Liam laughed as he released the smoke from his cigarette.

“Why did you do that?”

"I wanted to check something." His idea was to find out if he was panting in pain the same way he was groaning and he noticed that the tone of his voice was the same.

Harry just smoked, and looked at him with a frown. Nor was he too interested in finding out what the fuck Liam wanted to check.

"You know what, Liam? Louis and I speak to Zayn.”

“No, no, no," Liam closed the comic tightly, cutting him off. "I'm not fucking interested in what you have to say about him."

"No, but Liam, you have to know that ...

Liam stood up instantly, throwing out his cigarette. "I said I'm not interested."

Harry snorted resignedly. Okay maybe not now, but of course he was going to tell him what he knew. He was going to let a few days pass, at least, so that his anger subsided a little.

"What will we do this afternoon?Could we take advantage and ...”

"I have plans," Liam cut it off.

"It is Monday, Liam. What plans do you have?

“So? Can't I have plans?”

Harry looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Now they had class of sports they shared with Zayn, and Liam didn't seem to want to skip it today.

"Where's Tommo? I haven't seen him all day.” Liam asked.

“Yeah. Don't even talk to me about him!”

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