Bonus Chapter

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Hello everyone, few months back when I had published the epilogue I had promised many of you an bonus update, so here it is. I am sorry for taking this long to update it. Hope you will all enjoy this chapter.

Author's POV.....

The security guard had opened the gate and smiled at me seeing my car. He is a polite man in his 50's. After parking my car, I slowly walked into my house and rested on the couch for a little bit and as I was taking a short nap, my phone started ringing. It was my mother in law.

"Hello Amma! How are you?" I asked her.

"I'm good Priya. I rang to inform you to tell you the good news" Vijay's mother said excitedly.

"What is it Amma?" I asked Amma

"Anjali is pregnant dear" Amma said

"Wow!!! That's great news Amma. I will call her in a little bit" I was genuinely excited for them. After Shree's birth, they struggled a lot to conceive.

Then Amma and I had a general conversation about life and about kids in general. Vijay's parents are grandparents to 6 six children now. It will be 7 soon. She is mostly in front of Shree and Sakshi always, maybe because it's her first grandchildren. After talking with her a little bit, I ended the call. Soon it was time to pick the children up from school. As I was going to leave, I received a message from Vijay saying he will pick the kids up. From that I understood he was back. I felt really happy knowing Vijay is back....

Around 30 minutes later, I heard the noise of a car entering. When I looked outside the window, it was Vijay and kids in his latest BMW. I rushed outside to welcome them. As usual Vijay maintained a cold face. However the kids came running up to me and started hugging me one by one. "Amma look!! I got full marks in my English test!!" Sakshi told me happily. "Aww well done baby!! I'm so proud of you" I told her and hugged her. Academically Sakshi was very bright just like her father.
"Amma looked at me and Anu got gold stars today" Shradda told me innocently. I then congratulated them and hugged them tightly as well. Throughout the conversation between the kids and I, I could feel his eyes on me...

"Sakshi, Shradda and Anu, go and get ready quickly after eating something. Let's go out today. Tell your mom as well" Vijay announced. We haven't gone out in ages. "Vijay, actually I'm not feeling good. You guys go and enjoy" she replied to her husband. "No excuses Priya, you are coming!" Vijay stated giving Priya no options to opt out.

I got the children ready and got ready myself. We went to Amusement park after a long time. Vijay held Sakshi's and Anu's hand. Shradda (the cheeky one) was running around. "Shradda, stop running, wait for us" I shouted but she replied "no Amma, if you carry me I will stop running". "I am not carrying a 5 year old" I replied. Vijay and I took the children on most of the rides. After a long time we were enjoying it. We actually forgot the problems for a little bit. After a few minutes, Vijay bought ice cream for all of us. Within no time we finished the ice cream and the children went to play whilst Vijay and I watched them.

"They are growing up very fast right?" Vijay asked me.

"Yes, being pregnant with Sakshi and giving birth to her all seems like yesterday" I replied.

"Those were the best times of marriage," Vijay said brushing his hands through his hair.

"Hmmm. Vijay?" I decided to clear all the misunderstandings today.

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