Chapter 35

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Priya's POV.......

Currently Vijay and I are both at the airport. Vijay came to drop me at the airport. ''Priya, call me when you reach there. I've rang your brother to pick you up when you reach there. When I arrive in Chennai, we'll go to my house together. Till then just enjoy and relax with your family".

I listened to everything he said and just shook my head. I felt like crying when leaving him but he didn't seem to be much bothered with me going back to Chennai. It's like he didn't even miss me. After saying everything he said he just left giving me a side hug. I was devastated with his actions, like why can't he at least say bye properly? Was he showing all this love affection just to share a night with me and not because he loved me?

With moist eyes I went into the airport to complete the rest of the procedures. Some time later I reached Chennai !!! My brother and dad were there waiting for me. I ran up to them and hugged them. Ahh I missed my family so much !!! I greeted the rest of my family when I reached my house.

Next Day..

Author's POV..........

So a day has passed since I've come here. Divya hasn't told me much about what she wanted to tell me but she gave me few hints on what it is about.
Well Divya has brought me to a restaurant near our house to talk about it and both of us ordered some pizza.

Priya - So what is it that you wanted to tell me Divya?

Divya -  Actually Priya, I'm in a relationship with someone we're both at the stage where we want to progress it, I think you're the best person to inform about it first.

Priya - (with a slightly shocked expression) Ah! I didn't think my sister was someone who'd fall in love

Divya -  Priya, stop making fun of me. Suggest me a way to tell our parents (slightly annoyed)

Priya - Our parents are slightly strict when it comes to things like this. I mean they happily agreed to get Rohit Annan married to Rithu akka when he said he loved her even though they had a slight hesitation at the beginning. But with me the case was different, like they didn't even give me a choice in it or they didn't even ask me if I was happy with it. The proposal was completely forced upon me. But I think that was because from a young age our Vijay's family wanted me and Vijay to get married.

Ermm Anyway Divya, who is it that you're in love with?

Divya - It's Adi who I'm dating now.

Priya - Divya what the hell, how did this happen?

Divya- When Vijay Annan came to see you I felt like someone was staring at me but I never knew it was him, and on your engagement he had small conversations with me. Then he asked for my number on your wedding day. I didn't have any doubt at that time but a few weeks after your wedding when you went to Coimbatore, he texted me and asked me to come to this park. I hesitated at the beginning, however I decided to meet him at the end. When I went there he straight away expressed his feelings and said he loves me.

I rejected him that day but he wouldn't leave me at peace. Eventually I had to give in. Priya, Now I can't imagine a life without him. He's my everything. If our parents force me for an arranged marriage with a random stranger then I'll either elope or end my life. I love Adi so much Priya.

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