Chapter 14 (Vijays point of view)

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Vijay's POV.......

So yes, I married Priyanka and it was a simple wedding. I still can't believe I did it. If my parents didn't pressure me this much I would never have married Priyanka. Nobody can ever replace my Sakshi!!! Even though Priyanka doesn't know about Sakshi, I've told her that we won't ever live like a proper married couple and she agreed to it. I'm not giving Priyanka much attention as well and we only have minimal conversations. She seems like a nice person and I do feel guilty for ruining her life. I'm planning to ask her for a divorce soon, so she can escape from this marriage and go after whatever her dreams are.

I've told Priyanka to use another room so I have more privacy and feel more comfortable. My room is filled with Sakshi's memory. I don't want anyone else to interfere in it. I mainly stay inside my room because Priyanka's presence makes me uncomfortable and awkward and also I feel like I'm cheating on Sakshi.

I am planning to tell Priyanka about Sakshi because I feel like she needs to know it. When I was watching the film with Priyanka. That scene, that one scene reminded me so much of Sakshi's death. The incident was so similar of What happened to Sakshi.

It is Something I don't like to remember. I couldn't control myself at that moment so I barged into my room and poured my heart out and took out all the pictures I have of Sakshi and cried looking at it. She was my everything, my love, my world. Why is God so cruel? I kinda felt bad doing that cause Priyanka was next to me when it happened and I kinda ruined the film for her because of how I acted.

I really need to tell Priyanka about Sakshi, so she'll at least understand why I am acting like this. I don't watch films anymore after Sakshi's death especially romantic films because it reminds me of Sakshi and our memories. I don't know why I watched it with Priyanka.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to let you guys know Vijays feelings, will make the next chapter more longer. Please let me know what your opinions are on this chapter.
Thanks to everyone who's taking their time to read my book ❤️ Guys I'm thinking about the cast as well now, Keerthy suresh is Sakshis for definite, still needs to decide who Priyanka and Vijay is.

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