Chapter 15 Revelations

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Priyanka's POV.....

I woke up at 7:30 today, after doing my daily rituals, I decided to wear a blue saree, braided my hair neatly and applied sindoor. After preparing breakfast, I went to call Vijay. His bedroom door was open and when I went in to call him, I realised he wasn't in there. Looks like he went to work early today.

I know it's nosey to enter someone's room without their permission but I was curious. His cupboards were all locked. As I turned around I saw some pictures on his bed. The pictures were of a girl. I had no idea who it was but the girl looked Beautiful. Who is this? Why does Vijay have these pictures? Is Vijay in a relationship with this girl? Lots of questions crossed my mind in a split of few seconds. I wanted to ask Vijay who this was but he'd be more angry knowing I entered his room and checked out his personal things, so I decided to leave it.

When it was around 12pm, I saw Someone opening the door and it was Vijay. I wondered why he came in this early because normally he comes in really late from Monday to Friday. I was in the living area doing some cleaning. Vijay came up to me and asked me if it's alright for me to get ready and go out today. This is not something normal I thought. I didn't say no, in fact I said it's fine and went to get ready. He looked so calm today compared to yesterday night even though I could tell he was tensed about something from the look on his face. I decided to get dressed in a simple saree and applied minimal makeup. Vijay was sitting on the sofa thinking something when I went to him and said I was ready to go.

 Vijay was sitting on the sofa thinking something when I went to him and said I was ready to go

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Priyas look

Vijay didn't speak to me at all in the car. I wondered where he was taking me throughout the journey. When I turned the car radio on, some romantic songs started playing. Vijay quickly turned it off. 'RUDE', I thought. This guy really has some problems, different attitudes at different times .
After around 20 minutes drive, we reached a beach, a really really pretty beach. As we got out of the car, I wondered why he brought me here. I was following Vijay to the beach, he really looked Hot today, in his rolled up white shirt... Stop drooling over him Priya!!

Finally When we came near the water Vijay stopped. After a few minutes he began to speak...

''Priyanka you must be thinking why I bought you here, I want to open up today to you, I want you to know about my past'', Vijay said.

''''? I stuttered. ''Yes'' Vijay replied. .

''You must've wondered what happened to me yesterday when we were watching the film, especially when that scene came up, well very similar to what happened in that scene happened in my life.''What the hell !!!!'', I bursted out.

''Yes Priyanka, 7 years ago when I was in college, I fell in love with this girl called Sakshi. We were in a relationship around 7 years. After that we got married in a temple as My dad didn't like the idea of me getting married to Sakshi because he wanted me to get married to you, which meant that we had to get married secretly. Only Vikram, Anjali and Adi attended the wedding. However, luckily my dad accepted Sakshi as my wife after our marriage.

Two days after our marriage, I took Sakshi out for a meal. It was raining badly when we returned, so I decided to stop the car for a bit. There was an ice cream shop opposite where our car was, Sakshi saw her friend inside the shop so she wanted to meet her friend at that moment itself. I told her not to go but she didn't listen to me. When she was crossing the road after returning from the shop, she met with an accident. I still remember the image of Sakshi soaked in blood... I rushed her to the hospital but the doctors couldn't save her'', Vijay completed telling me about his past.

When Vijay told me this I was shocked. I felt numb and I didn't even realise that I was crying listening to him. After a few seconds, Vijay started saying, "I am sorry Priyanka. I'll never be able to love anyone in my life again. That's why I made it clear that I can't accept you as my wife before our marriage. Sakshi is my only love. Also, please don't feel like I've cheated on you because my dad has told your parents everything about my past. They were the one's wanted me to get married to you the most after hearing my story''.

I could see tears forming in his eyes. I walked upto Vijay, gently placed my hands on his shoulders and said, ''sorry Vijay, if I've hurted you in any way. I never knew you had a past like this. I will never try to take Sakshi's place in your heart. But could you at least consider me as your friend? So there won't be any awkwardness between us. If you accept this, I will be there for you as a good friend and a person whom you could lean on when you want a shoulder to cry.

After a few seconds, Vijay looked at me and said, ''Priyanka, I have no hatred towards you. In fact I think you're a very nice person. So there's no reason why I shouldn't be your friend'' and he smiled a bit and gave me a hug. ''I feel so relieved now Priyanka, after telling you all this. I loved Sakshi more than anything in this world. To be honest my life revolved around her when she was alive. We only lived together as husband and wife for only two days after being in a relationship for seven years. But she had given me so many memories to cherish in life in that short span of time. We had many dreams but it all shattered in two seconds. I never thought God would take Sakshi away from me this early'', he said all these while hugging me.

I started consoling him by telling him, ''Vijay I can't say that I understand what you've gone through in life. But I know it is very painful to lose someone who means everything to you. Oh god, I can't even think of losing my parents or anybody else. But I can assure you one thing, I will be there for you whenever you need me''. He just nodded his head and whispered a Thank You.


Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter. Please let me know what you think. Please ignore any grammatical errors.
Also guys if you have any suggestions for the cast please let me know.
I will try to update more frequently from now on.
Thank you 😊

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