Chapter 36

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Me and Vijay are now in Vijays house, we both spoke to Adi and from what we understood Adi is quite serious about Divya. He has also requested Vijay to convince our parents to get them married.

Anyway today me and Vijay went to see some land so we can build a house and move in when we move back to Chennai. During the car journey Vijay asked me about my studies, he already knows what I studied but he wanted to know if I want to continue studying further, remain as a homemaker to start working. However, my dream wasn't any of this, even though I studied business, from a very small age my ambition was to start a boutique . I wanted to achieve all my dreams before actually getting married and settling down but then this marriage suddenly came in and that time when I got married I thought my dreams and plans were all shattered.

But when I told my my dream to Vijay in the car he was actually quite a supportive, he encouraged me to go ahead and chase it. After visiting various different plots both of us finally agreed on a plot which we liked the best, along with that we also have seen quite few buildings for me to start my boutique, me and Vijay liked most of the buildings so it was hard choosing one, after a lot of thinking and planning we choose a building which was located in town. The building had to be modernised and some bits of work had to be done as well to it.
The next two weeks in Chennai went so fast with all the procedures and paperwork to buy the land and building. Also with the procedures to shift the Vijays company he started in Coimbatore. We have also finalised a house plan for our future house, the work is going to start very soon also !!! Ahh I'm getting all exited for our future ....

My dad and mom was slightly against with the idea of me starting a boutique, they advised me against it but my brother and Vijay convinced them and finally they agreed. I know my parents are saying this for the because according to our finally traditions women don't normally go to work after marriage. I can understand where they coming from but times have changed a lot and it's time for them to move on and change as well. Normally I wouldn't have the confidence to say anything back to them but now as a person I have developed the confidence to remove any obstacles coming my way, the only reason I've been able to develop so much is because of Vijay, if Vijay wasn't there to give me the confidence and support I would've still been the old Priya who lacked confidence and strength and as someone who listened to other people's words and went ahead with it.

Also, In between the last two weeks Vijay has managed to convince both mine and Vijays parents to get Adi and Divya married, our parents really didn't have much problem in them two marrying as both our families are friends and Adi and Divya marrying will just make the connections and bonds stronger between our families. At the moment the plan is to get them two engaged next month in our native village where both mine and Vijays fathers grew up, we don't really have a house there anymore but Vijay father still has a house there which is looked after by Vijays dads brother and family. So Adi and Divya will be engaged there next month and then there wedding will be within a years time, so by then she would've completed her studies.

Nevertheless, me and Vijay are returning to Coimbatore today because Vijay has to return back to his company to completing his pending work then the week after this we'll be going on honeymoon after the 7 longs months after our marriage. Vijay hasn't still told me where we are going he his keeping that a surprise !

I'm loving where my life is at the moment. I have two lovely families, a husband who loves and understands me more than anyone in this world, finally a home coming together for me and Vijay and my dream to start a boutique is finally going to happen ....

Please let me know what you guys think of this chapter !! I know this chapter isn't that great but I'll try to make the next chapter more interesting and longer !!!

Please vote and comment as it motivates a lot !!!

And Thank you so much @keerthanaraj25 for editing a lot of my previous chapters ❤️❤️

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