Chapter 39

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Author's pov......

It is Adi's and Divya's engagement today in their ancestral place. Currently they are all staying in Vijay's father's ancestral house.

Just before their engagement ceremony started, Adi brought Divya to a corner of the house where nobody was there and asked ''Divya, we've only known each other for a short while. Do you think we are rushing it?''

''Well, I did think that when you insisted on telling our families about us and even when they fixed our marriage so quickly but after thinking about this well, I think we are taking the correct decision. I know you are a very genuine and caring person who loves me a lot !! Well at least that's what I believe after dating you for the short period we have dated. Also we're only getting engaged now. We are going to marry only after a year. So technically, we aren't rushing. We've got time'' Divya said with a smile.

''You're so sweet Divya. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me!! I love you so much and cannot literally wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm sure that our marriage is going to be successful and happy. Along with your silly fights'' Adi said going near her.

''I know I'm sweet, but it's not me who starts the silly fights. It's you who always starts it'' Divya said, making a pout.

''Oh come on, It was a slip of tongue. We don't want to fight on our engagement day right you silly?'' Adi said, poking her cheek.

''It's not me who started, its you!!'' Divya said again, making a pout.

''Oh my god! I will take back all the cheesy things I said about you a few seconds back. You are not sweet. You're an annoying creature!!'' And Adi walked back to where everyone else was pretending to be angry. Adi loved making Divya angry, he found it funny and Loved it because she looks hot when she's angry.

''You're the annoying creature. Not me!!'' Divya shouted back and left.

Priya was already dressed when she noticed Divya walking past her. ''Divya!! Why aren't you dressed? It's nearly time for the ceremony. Come I'll help you get ready''.

Priya pulled Divya into her room and helped Divya drape a simple saree. ''Why is my sister's face is like it's gonna burst anytime soon?'' Priya asked, noticing Divya's expressions.

''Adi thinks I'm the one who always starts the fights!'' Divya said fuming.

''Omg, did you two fight on your engagement day? Divya you are nearly going to be 22 and going to get married soon. Be more mature for goodness sake. Stop fighting for silly things'' Priya said annoyed.

''You don't understand Priya. You are just like Adi'', Divya was like a tomato now due to anger.

Priya just sighed and then helped Divya with the makeup and hair. Finally when they were finished Priya said ''WOW you look amazing dear. I can't believe my little sister is going to get married soon. Time just fly by right?'' Priya hugged her sister.

''Thank you Priya! I know this is random but do you think Adi and I are rushing? I mean we are both still young, even Adi asked me this in the morning but I assured him that we are taking the correct decision'' Divya asked Priya hesitantly.

Priya looked at Divya and said ''Divya, I know how much you love each other. So don't worry, you aren't rushing anything. I've got married at the same age as you and the person I was getting married to was someone who I didn't know much about. But we worked everything out. At least you're marrying who you actually love. There's nothing better than marrying the person you love".

The Arranged Marriage (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora