Chapter 14

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Jessica woke up earlier than usual, because of the soft breathing on the back of her neck, she twisted her head around. Charlie was sound asleep next to her, his arm lazily draped over her. Jessica was sure he wasn't aware of the position in which they had fallen asleep.

Jessica whipped her head back down on her pillow, as she heard footsteps outside. Charlie was stirred awake, by a knock at the door, he quickly moved his arm, he pulled a face, not realising how they had fallen asleep spooning. He glanced over at her she was asleep.

"Charlie are you awake?" Molly called, he quickly got out of bed, opening the door.

"Yes, mum what wrong?" Charlie asked

"Nothing, we were going to see the Pyramids, do and Jessica want to come with us?" Molly asked, Charlie looked behind him at Jessica who still laid asleep in bed.

"Jessica still asleep,"

"We're not going right this minute we're going in an hour," Molly told, he nodded

"Alright, I'll wake her up," Molly smiled heading back downstairs.

Charlie sighed, running his hair threw his messy red hair, he quietly got changed he kept a close eye on Jessica in case she turned over and saw him, but she didn't. Once Charlie was dressed he walked over to Jessica kneeling down in front of her. He soft grazed his knuckles down her cheek.

"Jess," he said, she acted as though she hadn't woken up before him, overstretching to seem like she had been asleep the whole time.

"Morning," she said tiredly, he smiled at her.

"Everyone is going to see the Pyramids today, I said we'd go," Charlie said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"That's sound amazing, I'd love to see them," Jessica said excitedly,

"You best get ready, they're going soon," Charlie said,

Jessica quickly threw the covers off her, falling flat on the floor as her foot got tangled in the blanket. Charlie chuckled at her, Jessica stumbled getting up off the floor taking her clothes to the bathroom. Jessica hurried to get changed, rushing out of the room, quickly tying her hair into a ponytail.

"Come on, I don't want to keep them waiting," Jessica said, taking Charlie's hand dragging him downstairs.

"Where's this energy come from?" Charlie asked,

"Shut up, I'm excited alright, the Pyramids one of the seven wonders of the world, and I'm going to see it," Jessica said, as Charlie laughed at her.


"There they are the Pyramids of Giza," Arthur said, gesturing to the pyramids

"I can't believe Bill gets to work here," Ginny said, looking up at them in amazement

"He does?" Jessica questioned, Molly and Arthur creased their brows at her

"Yeah, didn't I mention it?" Charlie said "he's a curse-breaker,"

"Oh cool, he is working the curses in the Pyramids?" Charlie nodded

Molly gathered everyone in for a family photo, Jessica moved aside to let them have a family photo. Charlie wrapped an arm around Jessica pulling her into the photo. She smiled leaning her head on Charlie's shoulder, they took a photo together. Jessica took out her own camera taking a selfie of her and Charlie in front of the Pyramids.

"We're going for a walk through the Pyramids, who's coming?" George asked

"I'm in, come on Charlie," Jessica said, taking his hand guiding him towards the Pyramids

"You thinking what I'm thinking, Freddie," George whispered to him,

"Hell yes, let's do it," Fred said, both of them, hurrying behind Charlie and Jessica

Charlie and Jessica walked ahead of Fred and George, Jessica gazed at the hieroglyphics along the walls. Fred and George were whispering so Charlie wouldn't hear them conspiring a plan. Charlie glanced at Jessica but kept his hand to himself knowing Fred and George were waiting for the perfect moment to tease and annoy Charlie.

"Hey what's down this way?" Fred said, walking towards corridor just off the main route

"Don't even think about it Fred we're supposed to stay on the route," Charlie warned him, he didn't listen

"It can't be that bad," George argued

"Yes, it can be," Charlie said, Fred and George walked towards the corridor,

"I said don't- Ahh" Charlie slipped as the floor turned to a slide,

"Charlie!" Jessica hurried after him, slipping down the same slide.

"Nice one Freddie," George said as they high fived each other.

Jessica was sliding down a slide, when Jessica reached the bottom, she landed on top of Charlie. He groaned at the impact of Jessica falling on him.

"Are you alright?" Charlie said, Jessica rolled off him

"Yes, I should be asking you if you're alright," Jessica said, she stood up, looking around her. Charlie stood up too, dusting down his jeans.

"Them little nightmares," he muttered,

Charlie looked around they seemed to have fallen to an unexplored part of the Pyramid, it was dark down. Charlie cast 'Lumos' to give them a little light. Jessica stayed close to him, realising this part was off-limits to visitors. Jessica felt something crawling on her arm.

"Ahh, get it off," She said, stretching her arm out, as a spider crawled up her arm.

"Hold still," Charlie said, holding his wand between his teeth, to keep the light there, he cupped his hands, scooping up the spider, Charlie held his hand to the wall letting the spider crawl off him.

"We're stuck in here aren't we," Jessica said, didn't want to think they were

"I'm sure we'll find a way out, let's try down here," Charlie said, pointing down a corridor, Jessica held on to his arm, so she didn't lose him. They heard a loud noise like a door had been slammed shut.

"What was that?" Jessica asked,

"Workers they've finished," Charlie explained

"What's that mean?" she asked

"Now we're stuck in here," 

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