Chapter 74

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Flying to Hogwarts school seemed simple enough although, with the size and unique appearance of the animals, we're surely going to be noticed by muggles. Charlie had placed a concealment charm on Suri and Norberta, as well as Bren who was carrying two huge Wampus cats. Otherwise known as Meg and Abi.

As they neared Hogwarts they noticed the bridge had been torn down, curses and hexes were being fired in every direction, many wizards flying on broomsticks, clearly skilled in flying; Louisa and Oliver kept their word. Somewhere in the air, her cousin Louisa was, while her other two cousins were down on the ground along with Charlie's family and many others.

"Are you ready?" Charlie shouted over all the loud bangs

"Yes!" Charlie held her arm while she held on to him, he dangled her down lowering Suri to the ground, dropping Jessica onto the floor, she whistled for Bren to release Meg and Abi, the two cats caused many people to scatter away, while some idiotically brave death eaters took their chance with the two huge animals.

Jessica could have sworn she heard someone calling her name, running through the wizards and witches running in every direction. She had to remember this wasn't one of Charlie's tests, if she was hit she would get hurt or worse.

"Jess!" she turned around, her eyes widened

"Kat get down!" she ordered "confringo!" she cast she missed the person by an inch but the explosion was enough to distract them, she hurried over to her cousin.

"Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine, Aurora's in the dungeons," Katherine told her. The pair ran through the courtyard, towards the dungeons where Slytherin students were crowded against the gate trying desperately to get out.

"Hurray, heroes are here-

"Quiet Nott, we aren't here for you," Katherine snapped at the boy.

"Aurora," Jessica called

"Aurora Fawley," she called again, they spotted a girl pushing her through.

"You got to get me out, my mum and dad are out there, please," she cried

"Alright, shh we're going to figure this out," Katherine and Jessica looked around not wanting to use an explosive spell to prevent injury.

"Stand back," a boy said,

"Carden you came" Hadrian question clearly glad to see his brother

"Of course, I couldn't leave you in here," he smirked him, "now move," Hadrian and Aurora moved as many people as they could.

"Bombarda!" the gate flew off its hinges

"We could have done that," Jessica commented,

The three cousins were being pushed aside as many Slytherin students now free ran through the corridor, as they made their way out. Jessica spotted two familiar redheads, immediately running over to them, to check they were alright. Meg ran past her attacking a death eater that was right around the corner from Jessica.

"Are you boys alright?" she asked "oh my George your ear-

"It's fine, it doesn't hurt anymore,"

"I can't stay, I have to find Rhea,"

"Fred wait," he hurried away before she or George could stop him "FRED!" Jessica shouted,

George and Jessica ran after Fred, neither of them wanting him to go searching for Rhea alone. As they ran through the courtyard in the same direction that Fred went, they heard some yelling Fred's name. They had found Rhea Jessica saw a death eater heading right for her.

"Stupefy!" she stunned the death eater, saving Rhea while she saved Fred.

"Jessica!" she heard a familiar voice, barging through many people to get to them.

"Jessica!" she turned to the voice, seeing her father running towards her, she ran to him.

"What are you doing here?" they both said

"What am I doing here?" her father questioned "Why aren't you with your children, where's Charlie?" she pointed up to the two flying dragons.

"Come on, I need -

"Wait where's Katherine?" Jessica said looking all around her, "I have to find her,"

Jessica ran away before her father could stop her, she called out for her cousin, though she most likely wouldn't hear her. Many students were running in fear, death eaters were destroying everything they came across, Jessica ran into Katherine's friend Phoebe, they appeared to be looking for the same person.

The whole of the courtyard fell silent, Jessica and Phoebe blocked their ears in attempts to drown out the Dark Lord's plea for Harry Potter to give himself up. They turned around the corner of a wall, where many wizards were laid, dead or near death.

Phoebe ran ahead of Jessica, spotting a body laid on the floor. Katherine laid on the ground, inches from death. Jessica lifted her head onto her knee, stroking her hair away from her face, tears flowed down Phoebe's face, Jessica smiled down at her cousin.

"It's okay, you're going to be fine," Jessica said, "BREN!" she called, looking around the sky, hoping the Phoenix heard her.

The Phoenix flew down to them, he stood calmly even in the horrors of the battle happening around them, Jessica instructed Bren to help Katherine. The Phoenix cried tears on her open wounds, healing them, Katherine's breathing steadied she was saved from death.

Jessica sat with her while she caught her strength, Harry had been pronounced dead, unable to walk very far, Katherine and Jessica stayed behind. Once they heard cheers, they knew something good had happened, as they looked up, Aurora was running towards them, a bright smile on her face.

"He's gone, Harry defeated him," Jessica hugged her as well as Katherine,

Jessica heard a loud roar, she looked around her eyes laid on Abi as she came bounding towards her, lifting Jessica onto her back she ran, Jessica clung to the cat. They ran through the crowd of cheering wizards, Abi stopped in front of a huge pile of rubble, Jessica saw one of Meg's paws.

"Meg!" she shouted, desperately trying to move the rubble, her father saw her struggling and hurried to help her.

"It's alright Meg, I'm coming," Charlie jumped off of Suri, seeing Jessica panic down on the ground.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Meg, she's under there," Jessica cried, Charlie whistled Bren flew towards them, lifting the heavy rocks tossing them away. A low grumble confirmed that she was still breathing.

"Is going to be okay?" Jessica asked,

"Yeah, she should make a full recovery," he hugged her.

Charlie and Jessica were some of the last people to leave the grounds, as they waited for Meg to build up her strength again. Jessica kept talking to Meg, reassuring her that they would be back home in Romania very soon, then she could live out her days safe.

Once they were able to safely get Meg transported back to Romania. Charlie and Jessica returned home, waiting awake for them were Archie, Anna and Mary who pushed their way through to be the closest to their parents. Jessica and Charlie smiled at the children, Jessica held one finger up to him. Charlie knew exactly what she meant.

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