Chapter 54

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Two months had passed, Charlie spent a lot of time in his backpack tending to the animals he temporarily returned to Romania. He didn't think it would be fair to let Mrs Winters cope with all the animals on her own while they were still in England, they were staying until their wedding, hoping to go on a honeymoon before return back to their home.

Jessica had to go to Diagon Alley at some point to pick up her wedding dress. Though she never had the time, between constantly picking up Mary and Anna they hated being sat on the floor, at least Archie was becoming more independent he enjoyed helping people.

Archie spent the last few days helping Charlie with some of the animals. When his dad was dealing with the more aggressive animals, Archie helped his mother with his little sisters. Errol flew through the window surprisingly not hitting the closed window but instead hit the table.

"Poor thing, Archie will you go get the post please," Jessica asked, as she was attempting to get Mary and Anna changed.

"Here mummy," he handed her a letter, she opened the letter that was addressed to her.

Dear Jessica,

I thought we would let you know, that now we've graduated, Fred and I have found a place to set up our store. We'd love for you to come and see it, get your opinion on a layout. Bring our nephew and nieces too. We hope you can make it. We're at Number 93, Diagon Alley, in case you get lost.

George Weasley

"Hey, Charlie!" Jessica said, into his backpack

"Yeah," the bag echoed

"Hi, mummy!" the bag roared

"Hi, baby," she answered Archie, "Fred and George are setting their store they want me to go and see it, I thought I could pick up the dresses too, while I'm there," she said

"Alright, I'll be up in a minute," the bag echoed

Jessica positioned pillows on the sofa, sitting Anna and Mary upright, they leaned against the pillows which supported them. Archie tumble through the kitchen landing flat on her stomach, Jessica hurried over him, he stood up to brush his clothes down.

"I'm okay, mummy,"

"You might be okay, but look at you, you need a bath," she said, he was covered in mud head to toe, Charlie came up not long after he too was just as filthy as Archie was.

"Scourgify," Jessica cast, cleaning Archie up, he looked all over him,

"What about me?" Charlie said, she rolled her eyes, flicking her wand at him, cleaning his clothes to

"Alright, I'm off, I've got my bag, wand and..." she trailed off, knowing that she was forgetting something

"Tickets," Charlie said

"Ah, yes, thank you hunny," she pressed her lips against his, leaning down to kiss each of her children softly on their cheeks.


Jessica had never felt so out of place, it had been a long time since she roamed the streets alone, she always had Archie with her or Charlie. It was even stranger not having to watch River, she shivered as she hurried over to the Madam Malkin's she had her dresses along with her bridesmaid dresses, she just hoped no one had grown too much.

"Hello, I'm here to pick up an order for, Harper,"

"We have 1 bridal gown, 5 bridesmaids gowns and 2 flower girl gowns,"

"Yes that's right," the shopkeeper handed her the dress Jessica carefully placed them in her shoulder bag that had been enchanted with an extension charm.

"Thank you," she said,

Jessica made her way to Fred and George's store, she should have known straight away which was their store everyone around could hear the loud noise coming from inside the store. She carefully opened the door, unsure of what to expect when she entered the store. She looked around it was a lot more spacious than she had imagined.

"Jess, up here," Fred shouted, from the top of a set of stairs, he and George raced down to her

"Glad you came, so what do you casa de Weasley," George said

"It's big how are you going to fill all the shelves," she said

"That's where we thought you could help, you know, decorate," Fred said

"Help set up, Charlie said you're pretty good with anything like that," George added

"Alright, let's get started, when I first walked in you see the big staircase, we should paint it bright colours so it's eye catch but not too in your face," she stood in front of the staircase, "on these three steps you should have something written their so people see it as the lookup the steps,"

"Like what?" George asked

"I don't know, but they should begin with the same letter,"

"How about More Magical Mayhem," Rhea said, leaning on the door frame still in her pyjamas, though they looked too big to be her own.

"That's it," Fred said,

"I like it," Jessica said.

The four wizards began to move around furniture, whenever Fred thought Jessica or George wasn't looking he would kiss Rhea's cheek. George nudged Jessica pointed behind him, she saw Rhea and Fred taking a break cuddling in the far end of the store. She playfully turned his head away.

"How long have they been dating?" Jessica asked

"You would have thought they'd been dating for years," George said,

"Since 5th year, though to parents knowledge 6th year,"

"Why all that time, your mother is wonderful, and Rhea is a nice girl-

"Not our parents, Fred always had a feeling her dad doesn't like him," George said, trying to repress a smile

"Oh, well it's his little girl, I'm sure Charlie will be the same with Anna and Mary, as I'm sure you are with Ginny,"

"I guess you're right, it is funny seeing Fred really bothered by what someone thinks of him, Rhea's mum loves us in fact, she always says how much we remind her of her school years," Fred approached them prompting the pair to stop talking.

"Jess, I know it's short notice but would it be okay for Rhea to come to your wedding?"

"Of course it is, you all have a plus one anyway, invite who you like," he smiled at her, hurrying away to find Rhea

"You too," she winked at George. 

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