Chapter 37

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Charlie spent most of the next few weeks examining the dragon that would be participating in the Triwizard Tournament. Charlie was a bit apprehensive about the Dragon's being hurt during the task, whereas Jessica was more concerned for the students.

Charlie had to make sure that the Dragons understood that they had to protect a golden egg that they would be given during the task. Jessica prepared Archie for his little trip with Mummy and Daddy. Archie's first little adventure, even if it was only to Hogwarts.

Jessica managed to settle Archie down for a nap which would make the trip to England a lot smoother. Charlie just a few last-minute things to pack, Jessica could hear the calls coming from the Wampus cubs. Meg and Abi seem to know that Jessica would be leaving the Sanctuary.

Charlie loved that Jessica had a bond with the Wampus Cubs, it's as though they chose her as their surrogate mother. Charlie gathered the Dragon's into his backpack, Jessica sent a letter to her cousins, Katherine and Aurora hoping she could see them for a little while.


Archie slept through the journey thankfully, he only woke once they reached Hogwarts perfect timing as he was due for his feed. Charlie waited until Jessica had settled in with Archie at the Hogs Head Inn before he was due to meet Hagrid.

"Ah, Charlie it's good to see yer, don't know if Dumbledore told yer, but it was I who gave your name for the dragons," Hagrid said, the excitement evident on his face, he could wait to see them.

"Are the cages ready?"

"Should be," Hagrid said, Charlie placed a small piece of meat in the furthest part of the cage, hoping it would attract the dragons out of his backpack.

"She's beautiful," Hagrid said, as a Common Welsh Green Dragon hurried out of the bag, Charlie quickly shut the door.

Charlie then repeated this step with the Chinese Fireball, the Swedish Short-Snout, and the most aggressive of them all the Hungarian Horntail. Ron and Hermione showed with two other girls one with brown and the other with blonde that Charlie didn't recognise, both of them wearing Ravenclaw scarfs

"Hagrid, I can trust that the dragon won't be tormented in any way leading up to the task,"

"Yer can count on me," Hagrid said, admire the creatures, he had always wanted to have he hoped he would see Norbert, however, he might have been too young.

"Excuse me, is Jess not coming?" the brown-haired girl asked

"Yes, she'll be here soon, you must be Katherine right?" the girl nodded

"This is my friend Phoebe, I thought seeing the dragons might cheer her up," she said, her friend seemed really distressed Charlie prayed that the dragons didn't pick up on that feeling.

Jessica made her way into the forbidden forest where Charlie said he had taken the dragon. As students weren't allowed to enter the forest, it was the perfect place to conceal them. Archie was wide awake now, he was just over three months old.

He had more head control, being able to hold his head up now, he loved to wave his hands about though that often resulted in slapping Charlie's face at bath time. He had become a little smiler too, smiling at every little thing especially River, he even laid on his tummy on the floor with River playing with him.

As Jessica neared the forest she could already hear the dragons roars, she held Archie close to her chest. Then she heard the familiar voice of Ron and Charlie they seemed to be in a debate about dragons. Jessica smiling hurrying over to her cousin, Katherine brought her hands up to her face.

"Oh my god, I can't believe one of us has one of these," she said, gazing at Archie.

"Do you want to hold?"

"I don't know, children tend not to like me," Katherine told her.

"Come on, he hardly moves," Jessica told her,

Katherine held her arms out, Jessica sat Archie in her arms, adjusting Katherine's arms a little so that Archie would be a little more comfortable. Jessica was curious as to why Aurora never showed up, she had sent them both a letter saying she was coming.

"It suits you holding a baby," Jessica commented, Katherine rolled her eyes at Jessica

"Has my dad told you, Louisa a chaser for the Holyhead Harpies,"

"No way, that's incredible," Jessica said, knowing how much Louisa loved Quidditch.

"I've been helping Madam Pomfrey in the Hosptial wing, I actually really enjoy it," Katherine told her,

Jessica loved seeing her cousin, she had even invited Katherine to come to the sanctuary, during the summer for Archie's 1st birthday. Katherine believed Charlie to be her husband, but she was surprised to hear that they weren't married and that they were just dating.

Charlie took Archie for a bit, while Jessica could catch up with Katherine. Charlie showed Archie to the dragons, which caused Jessica to only half listening to Katherine, while she trusted Charlie with Archie. She was petrified of the dragons, she hoped that Archie loved animals as much as Charlie did.

Fiery Dragon | 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘞𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘺On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara