Chapter 44

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A month had passed, since Jessica had been back home, Jessica waited for a letter from Charlie had sent her one every week, telling her what he had found. Jessica could practically hear the excitement as she read his letters, his passion for magical creatures, always managed to put a smile on her face.

Jessica had written him letters, mainly to inform him on how Archie was doing, she told him that Archie had begun walking around while holding onto something or someone. Jessica hoped Charlie didn't feel bad about missing things, Charlie was happy that Archie's first word was 'dada' even if he thought Jessica just said that to cheer him up.

"Dad, has any letters come?" Jessica asked, holding a squirmy Archie in her arms.

"No, not yet, it's still early Jess,"

"I know, but I just worry about him so much, what if he doesn't come back?"

"He loves you he isn't about to good after another girl,"

"I meant, he gets hurt," Jessica said, her father laughed

"Jessica, I may not know him as you do, but when you told me, he yelled at a dragon, practically arguing with it, I'm sorry if I can't see him being easily injured,"

"I know," Jessica said closing her eyes, "I think I might go visit Molly and Arthur, for a bit," Jessica sat Archie in his highchair while she went upstairs to the toilet. An owl dropped two letters down on the table, Mr Harper paid the owl for delivering the letter. One was addressed to him,

Dear Mr S. Harper,

I'm a bit nervous about writing this to you, however, I don't think I'll ever get a chance to talk to you alone. I'm not really sure what I want to say. I was just finishing up and decided to explore the town, I was staying in. I came across a jewellery store.

That's when I realised, Jessica is my everything, and I want her to be the only girl, that I'll love for the rest of my life. I swear to you with all my heart. That I will take care of Jessica and Archie, till the day that I die.

Mr Harper, I'd like to ask for your permission to marry your daughter, my darling Jessica.

I hope you say yes,

Charlie Weasley

Mr Harper smiled at the letter, he wasn't blind he could see just how much Charlie adored Jessica and what such a great father he was to Archie. He'd be a fool to deny Jessica the chance to marry Charlie. Mr Harper had seen a major difference in his daughter.

Jessica was more confident in herself, less afraid, though that was more through River's company. Still, if it wasn't for Charlie gifting River to her, she wouldn't have raised the beautiful dog that she now had. He hid the letter as he heard Jessica walking back downstairs.

My Darling Jessica,

I hope to be home very soon, I've missed waking up to you, hearing Archie's laugh. I wish you had come on this trip, you would have loved exploring this place. I have 4 Perytons coming back, I can't wait to introduce you to them, one of them is only a baby. I love you, Jess. I promise to be home soon,

Love your,

Fiery Dragon.


Jessica left for the Burrow, she hoped Molly wouldn't mind if she brought River with her. Her dad had made plans to visit her uncle, which meant River would be left alone at home. As Jessica arrived at the Burrow she unhooked River's leash, allowing her to run towards the Weasley's home.

Molly spotted Jessica while she was stood at the sink, she dried off her hands, hurrying outside, to greet her. Jessica smiled upon seeing Mrs Weasley, she cooed as Archie raised his tiny hands at his grandmother. Molly lifted him out of his stroller, bouncing him around.

"You should have told me you were coming," Molly embraced Jessica, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"I thought it would be a nice surprise,"

"It's a wonderful surprise, Arthur will love to see you," Molly gestured for Jessica to go ahead of her, she called River, however, the dog would much rather run around in the tall grass outside.

Archie waved at his grandfather, Arthur couldn't resist waving back him, Archie giggled clapping his hands together. Molly and Arthur couldn't believe how much their grandson had grown since they had seen him. He was doing a lot of growing up, Jessica set some paper on the floor and paints for him to do some finger painting. It kept Archie quiet, while Jessica caught up with Molly and Arthur.

"He says dada all the time, though I don't think he knows who dada is," Jessica told them

"Mama," Jessica pointed to herself,

"Ahh, Dada,"

"No, mama,"

"Dada," Archie banging his hands on the floor.


"DADA!" he waved his arms around.

"Oh my, does Charlie know it's his first word,"

"Yes, I wrote to him, every time Archie's done something new,"

Jessica stood against the sink, with Archie leaned over her shoulder, to burp him. Archie flapped his hands hitting his mothers back, he squealed which caused Jessica to giggled a little.


"Yes, Archie I know dada,"

"Ahh, dada, dada," he bounced in Jessica' arms, she turned around to see what he was looking at that.

Walking towards the Burrow was dada, Jessica gasped hurrying outside, she cradled Archie's head as she ran towards him. Charlie lifted her up spinning Jessica around, he pressed his lips against hers, only to slapped by Archie, he smiled at him, Archie reached over to Charlie, he took him from Jessica throwing him up in the air and catching him.

"You frighten me every time you do that," Jessica said, Charlie chuckled, throwing Archie up in the air again, catching him.

"I'll always catch you both,"

Fiery Dragon | 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘞𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘺Where stories live. Discover now