Chapter 57

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The blazing sun heated up her skin, as she basked in the sunlight, on a beautiful Hawaiian beach, the waves splashing against the nearby rocks were soothing. Therapeutic sounds, Jessica shrieked as Charlie ruffled his hair dripping cold water along her back, she shot up off the sand.

"You have to come for a swim, the water's so refreshing," Charlie said, laying flat on a beach towel

"I'm alright, I'm quite enjoying laying here," she told him, he sat up

"I'm going to the bar, do you want anything?"

"Just a drink and a sandwich, if they have any," she told him,

"I'll be back in a bit," he quickly kissed her, as he brushed the sand off his body.

She watched as her new husband headed towards the bar, Jessica smiled as she closed her eyes, trying to sunbathe a little. Charlie only had to look at the sun and he caught it, she could be laid in the sun all day and nothing,

"Your drink, Mrs Weasley," Charlie handed her a virgin Tequila Sunrise cocktail.

"Non-alcoholic right?" she questioned

"Of course," he said, Jessica took a sip, of the refreshing drink, "I booked a trip to go hiking,"

"That sounds fun, when do we go?"

"4 o'clock, we should get back to the hotel to change and dry off," he told her, standing up, he took her hand helping her up.


Jessica tied her hair back, into a ponytail, she changed into a tank top and shorts choosing to wear them over her bikini. If they were going hiking she needed to be dressed for the part, Charlie was sat in the living room waiting for Jessica. They had about half an hour before they had to leave.

"Ooh, that looks like it hurts," Jessica commented, she took the sunscreen from the table, rubbing lotion over his shoulders and back.

"Aren't you going to wear a shirt?" she asked

"No, it's way too hot, I'll be fine in shorts," she nodded, they headed down to the hotel lobby where a wizard gave them a portkey.

They arrived at the start of the trail, Charlie showed her the map, at the end of the trail they should reach a waterfall, that they could swim in. He made sure they had everything before they set off, Jessica double checked, she had her wand, in case she needed to perform any spells.

"Alright we're about halfway there," Charlie said, Jessica was almost out of breath falling behind a little, he hurried back down to her

"You alright?"

"Yes, I just didn't realise how steep it was," she said, resting her hands on her hips taking a deep breath.

"Here," Charlie lifted Jessica onto his back, she wrapped her arms around his neck. He held onto her thighs as he continued to the trail.

The view was a lot better, she was able to see far ahead, she jumped off his back running ahead when she saw the waterfall. She took her shorts and tank top off, leaving her in just her bikini, she took her hair out, ruffling her hair a little.

Jessica walked over to a large rock the looked over the water, she dove into the water, she swam a little under the water. Slicking her back as she appeared at the surface of the water, she saw Charlie who had just reached the top, she giggled.

"What took you so long?" she shouted

"I had to carry someone up the hill," he said, "It's alright I didn't need help,"

"Come in the water feels great," she said, he shook his head at her, taking a running start he cannonballed into the water, splash Jessica in the process, he stayed under the water, swimming around her. He rose up from the water facing her, he leaned in close to her ear.

"I'll race you to the waterfall," he whispered, pulling her aside,

"No fair, that's cheating!" she shouted hurrying to catch up to him, a mischievous smile appeared on her face, she transfigured her legs into fins, she quickly swam ahead of him, beating him to the waterfall.

"Now that was cheating," he pointed his finger at her, she flapped her fins, as they turned back into her legs.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said, he smiled at her sitting on a rock under the waterfall with her.

"You know it's still hard to believe you're my wife now," Charlie spoke

"I'll admit when I met you did I think I'd marry you and have three children, definitely not," she said

"Am I happy I did, yes I am," she added,

He pulled her closer to him, pressing his lips firmly against hers, he rested his hands on her hips, he pushed her back into the water, he laughed as she appeared above the water. Jessica splashed water up to him, putting a stop to his laughing, she grabbed his foot pulling into the water.

She snaked her hands around his neck pressing her lips against his, Charlie pulled them both underwater, he heard Jessica mention, that is a movie a couple made out under the water. They came up for air, she wrapped her legs around his waist, he kissed her neck, she laughed.

"What so funny?" he asked

"I like how we're making the most of it, before you know it we'll be back home, with our children," she slicked his hair back, laying light kisses on his neck,

"I can't wait, till we're back home," 

Fiery Dragon | 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘞𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘺Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ