Chapter 50

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The atmosphere at the Burrow was incredibly strange, mainly for Charlie more than Jessica as he had never known the home, to be quiet or have the house to himself. Since Charlie was a young boy he had always known the Burrow to be rowdy with his brothers, and always filled with people. Charlie and Jessica slept in his old room, with Archie snuggle between them.

Archie woke up, crawling out of bed, he hopped down, walking around the landing, he held onto the wall walking slowly down the stairs. Once he reached the living room, he crawled on the floor towards River who laid curled up on the floor, Archie snuggled up to River falling asleep with her.

"Archie?" Jessica said, looking between her and Charlie, she shook him awake,

"Charlie, wake up Archie isn't here," Jessica shot up, though her swollen ankles made it difficult for her to rush getting up.

"You can't be getting up to quickly," he said, helping her sit back down, "I'll go look for him,"

Charlie looked around, he bedroom hoping he hadn't gone into anyone else's bedroom, he walked downstairs smiling when saw Archie asleep with River. The dog wagged her tail slightly, not getting up to greet Charlie, he prepared Jessica's breakfast. He sighed when he heard Jessica coming down the stairs by herself,

"Here, you shouldn't be on your feet so much,"

"I am perfectly capable of walking down the stairs, even if I am very large right now,"

"I know, I just worry about you-

Charlie was cut off when he saw Errol flying toward the window, he hurried to open both windows for him. Though the old owl still managed to hit the side of the window frame, as he entered. Charlie helped him up petting his back lightly, he took the letter from him.

Dear Charlie,

We have great news your dad is coming home for Christmas, I hope you and Jessica can make it to Grimmauld Place. Don't worry I've spoken to both Sirius and Aimee they're more than happy to have you come for dinner, I hope to see you soon.

Love mum

"Are we going?" Jessica said,

"I want to, though it's going to be quite a shock isn't it," he said softly grazing her bump,

"It's about time the surprise was announced," she smiled at him, Charlie leaned down to kiss her,

"I'll sort out Archie's bag,"


Jessica arrived on a muggle street in London, according to Molly, Grimmauld Place was securely hidden from muggles and wizards. She reassured them that Rhea and George were going to meet them, outside of the house, Jessica looked around the area, it was a nice place, a park just across the road, with lots of happy children playing.

"Charlie!" George shouted, waving over to them, Rhea and George hurried over to them, helping with their bag and Archie.

"Georgie," he waved his hands at him, George lifted his nephew up eyeing Jessica and Charlie they never mentioned they were pregnant.

"My mum has been dying to meet Archie," Rhea told Jessica, helping her up the steps. "Make way, make way. Lady with a baby coming through,"

"What!" Charlie and Jessica heard Molly exclaim hurrying through the halls, "oh my goodness, this is an unexpected surprise,"

"We were going to wait until they were born," Charlie said,

"Kreacher, show you-

"Ahh," Jessica shrieked, not noticing the small House-elf beside her

"Kreacher never meant to frighten you miss," he apologised

"It's alright, what were you going to say?" she asked

"Kreacher, show you to your room," he walked upstairs, Charlie followed him up taking their bag, he told George to help Jessica sit down.

George sat Jessica in the kitchen where everyone else was sat he introduced her to Sirius and Aimee. She recognised Aimee, from her many articles in the Daily Prophet she had made quite a name for herself, fighting for the rights of House-elves, Werewolves and Centaurs.

"It's wonderful to meet you, Molly and Arthur haven't stopped talk about you," Aimee said, sitting beside, Jessica tried to get comfortable,

"Would you like a cushion? They always helped me when I was having my twins,", Jessica nodded

"You have twins?"

"Yes, three actually," she said, "would you like to meet them?"

"Of course," she said,

"Kreacher, would you mind just getting the kids, I'm just going to get Jessica a nice cushion,"

"Of course Mistress - I mean Aimee"

Aimee smiled as her house-elf went back upstairs to call down Aimee's children. Jessica was nervous she wouldn't be able to tell them apart, except for Rhea and Phoebe, they were easy enough. Rhea had brown hair, while Phoebe had blonde curly hair like her mother.

"Is it important?" a boy asked "I was just in the middle of proving something to Harry,"

"We have guest," Aimee said, "Jessica these are my children,"

"The oldest, my niece Laura who I believe you've already met, my daughter's Rhea and Phoebe," Aimee placed her hand on each child as she said their names out.

"Our sons, Hadrian and Carden," she said, out of all her twins they look most alike, still not identical, they looked so much like their father Sirius.

"Our youngest, my nephew Max, and daughters Hope and Larissa," thankfully for Jessica Hope had brown hair and Larissa had blonde. 

"You have a wonderful family,"

"Thank you, you might not meet my nephew Ethan, he's recently just moved out with his girlfriend," Aimee explained, Jessica nodded.

After dinner, Jessica smiled as Archie tried to help feed Arthur, while he was sat on his lap, in fact, everyone was smiling, at the small child taking care of his grandfather. While everyone was busy watching Archie with Arthur, nobody but Jessica noticed Fred sneak away with Rhea, she smiled to herself, not mentioning anything as both of the parents were here.

"We're here so sorry, we're late, someone couldn't leave until his hair was right," a red-hair woman said, she embraced Aimee, like long time friends, Sirius greet her husband, with a hug similar to the kind you would give a brother. Their daughter walked through the kitchen to hug, Remus Lupin.

"Only James can be late because of his hair," Remus said from across the room.

"Nothing wrong with being fashionable late,"

Jessica loved the family feel to this home, while it was filled with adults and teenagers, she could tell it was a happy home. Filled with love and laughter, Charlie wrapped his arm over her shoulder, kissing her cheek, as he grazed his fingers over her stomach. Waiting for their own set of twins to be born.

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