Chapter 31

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The last week of Jessica and Charlie's trip had flown by, after Charlie had found the Antipodean Opaleye Dragon's nest, he spent hours of the day, studying them up close. Though the time had come to go back to Romania he was saddened to be leaving so soon.

Though had enjoyed the travelling with Jessica, and hoped that they could do this again, maybe look for some more creatures together, or release a couple of animals in the wild again. What was even better he would get to enjoy this experience with his child someday.

Charlie had kept a close eye on Jessica hoping that she was alright, almost every morning she would throw up. Though Jessica hoped the sickness would pass soon, Jessica waited for Charlie to get back he wanted one last look at the dragons before leaving for Romania.

Once Charlie returned to where they had set up camp, he hugged Jessica, squeezing her a little too tight. Jessica didn't mind, she knew he was happy that he had been here in New Zealand, to witness and study this dragon, in its natural habitat.

Charlie also couldn't wait to be back at the sanctuary, he and Jessica only had just over six months to prepare for their baby, to Charlie that seemed like a long time. He would still need to work on the sanctuary, so he acted as though they had very little time to prepare for their next adventure. Parenthood.

"Are you alright, you've been quiet ever since you came back?" Jessica asked

"Yes, I'm so happy we came here," Charlie said, Jessica smiled at him,

"I never thought, I'd say this but I actually can't wait to be back at the sanctuary," Jessica said, Charlie stopped her, placing his hand on her forehead,

"You're not ill, you must really be warming up to the animals," Jessica rolled her eyes at him "or maybe it the baby, if they're anything like me, they'll love animals too,"

"Or they might be like me, afraid but have your red hair,"

"Har har, I have fiery hair,"

"Yeah, like a fiery dragon," Charlie smiled at her pressing his lips against hers.

*** 2 months later ***

Jessica was halfway through her pregnancy, she and Charlie still hadn't told their families that they were expecting. Well, Charlie hadn't told his family, Jessica told her father a few weeks ago. Jessica had managed to convince Charlie to spend the next few months of her pregnancy at the Burrow.

Mrs Weasley could provide Jessica with some helpful tip and tricks, she must have had thousands, raising seven children. Especially with the twins, from what Charlie had told her they could be quite a handful, Jessica bent down to pick up the bags.

"Jess, I'll get the bags," Charlie said, taking the bag from her, he placed his hand on her more rounded stomach, rubbing his thumb over her stomach.

*** 4 hours later ***

The pair arrived in England, Charlie hadn't mentioned to his mum or dad that they would be coming, it would be a nice surprise for them. Although Fred, George, Ron and Ginny wouldn't be home from Hogwarts for another couple of months, it would give Charlie and Jessica time to settle in. 

Charlie held his finger up to his lips, telling Jessica to be quiet, he opened the door as quietly as he could. They crept through the kitchen into the living room, Jessica wore a loose robe to hide her bump as much as she could, Charlie sat Jessica down on the sofa.

"Mum," Charlie called, he could hear his mum, walking across the floorboards, she looked over the bannister,

"Charlie!" she exclaimed, hurrying down the stairs "oh, I'm so happy to see you, why didn't you tell us you were coming?" she asked

"We wanted to surprise you, where's dad?" Charlie asked as Molly hugged him,

"He's outside, Arthur! Get in here!" she yelled, Arthur walked in the house,

Jessica and Charlie were both surprised that they didn't see him as they walked towards the house. Then again if Arthur was in his shed probably wouldn't have been paying attention to anything happening outside. Arthur walked into the living room, dusting off his hands, he patted Charlie on his back, hugging him.

"We were hoping we could stay for a while," Jessica said,

"Of course, dear you're always welcome here," Molly said, hugging Jessica Molly pulled away quickly when she felt Jessica rounded stomach against her, Molly held a finger up to them.

"Are you?" she asked, Charlie looked at Jessica, then smiled at his mum nodding his head, Molly didn't say a word and just brought her hand up to her mouth.

"Molly, what's wrong?" Arthur asked, not seeing his wife be this quiet, Molly didn't answer him and would take her eyes of Charlie and Jessica

"Jessica's pregnant," Charlie told his dad, his eyes widened, he brought Jessica and Charlie in for a hug

"That's wonderful news," Arthur said, "isn't Molly,"

"I'm going to be a grand-mama," Molly squealed excitedly, Jessica took her robe off, which revealed her bump.

"Oh my, you look gorgeous, how far along are you?" Molly asked,

"Almost 5 months," Jessica told her

"How did your dad take the news," Arthur asked her

"He cried, he's excited for to be a grandfather," Jessica told them,

Mr Harper was thrilled to become a grandfather, he even vowed to come to the sanctuary and see his grandchild. That is if Jessica and Charlie planned to stay there. Charlie and Jessica agreed to return to England once they knew the gender of their baby.

"We know what we're having if you want to know?" Charlie said

"Yes, we'd love to know," Molly said, Jessica looked up at Charlie

"We're having a boy," Jessica and Charlie said together, Molly and Arthur hugged them, both before Mrs Weasley planned to cook Jessica anything she wanted. She wanted her to be a comfortable as possible, Charlie couldn't wait to tells his siblings they were going to be uncles and aunt. 

Fiery Dragon | 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘞𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘺Where stories live. Discover now